Bartholomew’s Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887) page 68 left column

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Ben Vrackie, mountain, N. Perthshire, near Blair-
Athol, alt. 2757 ft.

Ben Yraick, hill, in par. and 6¼ miles NW. of
Drymen, Stirlingshire, alt. 1426 ft.

Bcnwee Head, the most N. point of co. Mayo.

Ben well, township, St John par., S. Northumber-
land, on river Tyne, 2 miles W. of Newcastle-upon-
Tyne, 1302 ac., pop. 4736 ; extensive collieries. Ben-
well Park is in the vicinity.

Ben wick, par., N. Cambridgeshire, in Isle of Ely, 6
miles SW. of March, 3096 ac., pop. 814.

Ben Wyvis, mountain, Ross-shire and Cromartyshire,

8 miles NW. of Dingwall, alt. 3429 ft.

Ben Yevenagh, mt., N. co. Londonderry, alt. 1260 ft.
Ben-y-Gloe, mountain, E. side of Glen Tilt, 8 miles
NE. of Blair-Athol, Perthshire, alt. 3671 ft.
Ben-y-Honc. See
Ben Chonzie.

Bcobridge, township, Claverley par., S. Shropshire,
4¼ miles SE. of Bridgnorth.

Beoch, ruins of a castle, Maybole par., Ayrshire.
Beoley, par., E. Worcestershire, on verge of co., 2¼
miles NE. of Redditch, 4480 ac., pop. 603.

Bcoraig, loch (2¼ miles long), Ardnamurchan par.,

Beoster, vil., Bressay island, Shetland.

Bepton, par., W. Sussex, 2¼ miles SW. of Midhurst,
1910 ac., pop. 269.

Beragb, vil. with ry. sta., 8 m. SE. of Omagh, mid.
co. Tyrone,pop.422; P.O.,T.O. Market-day,
Berbcth, seat, 2¼ m. SW. of Dalmellington, Ayrshire.
Berden, or Berdon, par., W. Essex, 6 miles NW. of
Bishop Stortford, 1800 ac., pop. 363.

Berdwick, hamlet, Wick-with-Abson par., W.

Bere. See Bear.

Berea, 4 miles from St Davids, W. Pembroke-
shire ; P.O.

Berechurch, par., in bor. of Colchester, NE.
Essex, 2 miles SW. of Colchester ry. sta., 1377 ac.,
pop. 113; contains Berecliurch Hall.

Bereen Corrougli, mountain range, mid. co. Mayo.
Bere Forest, ancient royal hunting-ground, on SE.
border of Hants, 4¼ miles NW. of Havant.

Bcregonlum, or Selma, vitrified fort, Ardchattan
par., NW. Argyllshire, on N. side of entrance of Loch
Etive; its Gaeiic name is Dunmacsniochan.

Bere Begis.—hundred, S. Dorset, containing 2 pars.,
11,402 ac., pop. 2062.—2. Bere Regis, par. and ancient
town, S. Dorset, 10 miles NE. of Dorchester—par., 8894
ac., pop. 1542; town, pop. 1284; P. O., T. O. It dates from
the time of the Romans, and was a residence of Queen
Elfrida and King John ; and the birthplace of Cardinal
Morton andTurberville, bishop of Exeter from 1555-1559.

Beresford Hall, ruined seat, on NE. border of Staf-
fordshire, 4¼ miles SE. of Longnor; once the residence
of Charles Cotton (1630-1681), poet, and a resort of
Isaak Walton (1593-1683).

Bergh Apton. See Burgh Apton.

Berghill, township, Whittington par., N. Shropshire,
4¼ miles E. of Oswestry.

Bergholt, East, par., E. Suffolk, on river Stour, 9
miles SW. of Ipswich, 3063 ac., pop. 1191; P.O.; the
birthplace of Constable, the painter (1776-1837).

Bergholt Road, lm. from Colchester, NE. Essex; P.O.
Bergholt, West, par., NE. Essex, on river Colne, 4
miles NW. of Colchester, 2296 ac., pop. 1061; P.O.

Beriden, affluent of river Yare, near Norwich, S.
Norfolk, rising near New Buckenham, 12 miles long.

Berkeley, or Barclay, hundred, Scray lathe, E.
Kent, 11,461 ac., pop. 1856.

Berkeley.—hundred, W. Gloucestershire, 67,539 ac.,
pop. 27,498 ; contains 22 pars, and parts of 3 others.—
2. Berkeley, par. and market town with ry. sta., W.
Gloucestershire, on river Avon, 24 miles N. of Bristol
and 115 miles from London—par., 14,578 ac., pop. 5038 ;
pop. of town 870; P.O., T.O., 2 Banks. Market-day,
Wednesday. B. was the birthplace of Dr Jenner (1749-
1823), who introduced vaccination. To the SE. is
Berkeley Castle, a baronial fortress, in which King
Edward II. was murdered, 1327.

Berkeley and Gloucester Canal, W. Gloucester-
shire, from river Severn to Gloucester, 16½ miles long,
navigable for vessels of 500 tons.

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