Kiltartan.—bar., S. co. Galway, 65,664 ac., pop. 11,875.-2. Kiltartan, par., S. co. Galway, 5725 ac., pop. 1468 ; contains part of Gort.
Kiltcale, par., NE. Queen’s co., 3 miles NAV. of Stradbally, 3552 ac., pop. 686.
Kiltcaly, hamlet, 6 miles SAV. of Newtownbarry, NW. co. Wexford ; P.O.
Kiltearn, par., E. Ross and Cromarty, on Cromarty Firtb, 27,972 ac., pop. 1182 ; contains Evanton, 6 miles NE. of Dingwall; in NE. of par., near Novar sta., is a remarkable gorge called the Rlack Rock of Kiltearn.
Kilteel, par., E. co. Kildare, 5 miles NE. of Naas, 3427 ac., pop. 334.
Kilteely, par. and vil., E. co. Limerick, 5 miles SW. of Pallas ry. sta.—par., 3184 ac., pop. 1014; vil., pop. 104; P.O.
Kiltcery, small harbour, 4 miles E. of Foynes, N. co. Limerick, on river Shannon.
KJlteevan, par., in co. and 3 miles E. of Roscommon, on Lough Ree, 7451 ac., pop. 1406.
Kilteevoge, par., mid. co. Donegal, on river Finn, 6 miles NAV. of Stranorlar, 41,127 ac., pop. 4495.
Kiltcgan.—vil., AV. co. AVicklow, and par., partly also in co. Carlow—par., 25,949 ac., pop. 2006; vil., 5 miles SE. of Baltinglass, pop. 190 ; P.O.—2. Kiltegan, par., S. co. Tipperary, 2 miles NW. of Clonmel, 1069 ac., pop. 153.
Kiltenanlca, par., SE. co. Clare, on river Shannon, 2 miles SW. of O’Briensbridge, 7385 ac., pop. 1381.
Kiltenncl.—par., S. co. Carlow, 3 miles NE. of Borris, 11,170 ac., pop. 1780.—2. Kiltennel, coast par., NE. co. AVexford, 3 m. E. of Gorey, 4125 ac., pop. 679.
Kilteskill, par., S. co. Galway, 4 miles SE. of Loughrea, 4695 ac., pop. 444.
Kilteskin, par., co. Cork. See Titeskin.
Kilthomas, par., S. co. Galway, 4 miles NE. of Gort, 11,709 ac., pop. 1467.
Kiltieran, par., in co. and 7 miles SE. of Dublin, 3163 ac., pop. 677.
Kiltimagk, 8 miles SW. of Swineford, mid. co. Mayo; P.O. See Kiltamagh.
Kiltinan, par., S. co. Tipperary, on river Anner, 3 miles SE. of Fethard, 5102 ac., pop. 511.
Kiltoghert, par., S. co. Leitrim, on Lough Allen and river Shannon, 28,125 ac., pop. 9018; contains Drumshambo and part of Carrick-on-Shannon.
Kiltomy, par., N. co. Kerry, 8 miles SAV. of Lis- towel, 5865 ac., pop. 1109 ; contains part of Lixnaw.
Kilton.—township, Skelton par., North-Riding York- shire, 6 miles NE. of Guisbrough, 1724 ac., pop. 431. —2. Kilton, coast par., Somerset, in NW. of co., 6 miles NE. of Watchet, 1691 ac., pop. 141.—3. Kilton, hamlet, in par. and 1 mile NE. of AYorksop, Notts.
Kiltoom, par. and ry. sta., S. co. Roscommon, on Lough Ree and river Shannon, 6 miles N W. of Athlone, 10,458 ac., pop. 2133; P.O.
Klltoraght, par., N. co. Clare, 2 miles SE. of Kil- fenora, 3091 ac., pop. 534.
Kiltormer, par. and hamlet, E. co. Galway, 9 miles SW. of Ballinasloe, 6898 ac., pop. 779; P.O.
Kiltrisk, par., E. co. AVexford, on river Owena- vorragh, 6 miles NE. of Oulart, 3284 ac., pop. 397.
Kilti'ustan, par., mid. co. Roscommon, 6207 ac., pop. 1412; contains part of Strokestown.
Kiltubbrid, par., S. co. Leitrim, 2 miles SE. of Drumshambo, 15,608 ac., pop. 4103.
Kiltuintaik, ancient par., now in Morvern par., Argyllshire.
Kiltullagh.—par., mid. co. Galway, 6 miles SE. of Athenry, 8947 ac., pop. 1119; P.O.—2. Kiltullagh, par., W. co. Roscommon, 5 miles SW. of Castlereagh, 24,339 ac„ pop. 7368.
Kiltnrk, coast par., S. co. Wexford, 3 miles SE. of Bridgetown, 2206 ac., pop. 581.
Kilturra, par., cos. Mayo and Sligo, 5 miles SE. of Tobercurry, 6883 ac., pop. 2057.
Kilty clogher, vil., Cloonclare par., N. co. Leitrim, 5 miles NW. of Glenfarne ry. sta. and 7 miles NE. of Manor Hamilton, pop. 371; P.O., T.o. Market-day, Friday.
Kiltymon, glen, 2 miles S. of Newtown Mount Ken* nedy, E. co. AVicklow.
Kiltyric, school, Kenmore par.. Perthshire. Gazetteer of the British Isles, Statistical and Topographical, by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S.
Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1887. Public domain image from Gedcomindex.com
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