Rushton Park, seat, Sussex; post-town, Roberts bridge.
Rushulme, Lancashire. See Rusholme.
Rnshiip House, seat, 2 miles NE. of Chapel-en-le- Frith, Derbyshire, under Rnshup Edge.
Rushwick, in co. and 3 miles from Worcester; P.O.
Rnshyford, hamlet, Auckland St Andrew par., Dur- ham, 5 miles SE. of Bishop Auckland ; P.O.
Ruskelt', North-Riding Yorkshire. See Raskelf.
Ruskey, co. Roscommon; P.O. See Rooskey.
Ruskie, hamlet, Port of Menteith par., Perthshire, on Loch Ruskie, 34 miles S. of Callander; P.O.
Ruskington, par. and vil. with ry. sta., Lincolnshire, 3g miles N. of Sleaford, 4750 ac., pop. 1191; P.O., T.O.; the par. of Ruskington forms a local government dist.
Rusland, eccl. dist., Colton par., N. Lancashire, pop. 153 ; Rusland Hall, seat, is 8 miles NE. of Ulverston.
Kusmuck, 19 m. from Recess, W. co. Galway ; P.O.
Rnsper, par. and vil., Sussex, 5 miles NE. of Hor- sham, 3123 ac., pop. 539; P.O.; a Benedictine nunnery was founded here in time of Richard I.
Ruspidge,2 m. fromCinderford,Gloucestershire; P.O.
Russagh, par., N. co. Westmeath, on river Inny, near Inny Junction, 2570 ac., pop. 325.
Russborough, seat of the Earl of Milltown, 3 miles SAY. of Blessington, AY. co. AVicklow.
Russel, Great and Li tile, 2 straits, among the Channel Islands; the former between Sark and Herm, the latter between Herm and Guernsey.
Russcllstown. — seat, in co. and 4 miles NE. of Carlow. — 2. Russcllstown, seat, 24 miles SAY. of Blessington, W. co. AVicklow.
Kusthall, eccl. dist., Speldhurst par., Kent, on NW. side of Tunbridge Wells, pop, 3223 ; Rnsthall House and Rnsthall Lodge are seats; Rnsthall Common is an extensive open waste, diversified by masses of rock.
Rustington, coast par. and vil., Sussex, 1 mile E. of Littlehampton and 4 miles SE. of Arundel, 945 ac. and 248 foreshore, pop. 360 ; P.O.
Ruston, vil., Wykeham par., North-Riding York- shire, 54 miles SW. of Scarborough.
Ruston, Bast, par. and vil., Norfolk, 54 miles SE. of North AValsham, 2494 ac., pop. 667; P.O.; Porson (1759- 1808), the celebrated Greek scholar, was a native.
Ruston, South, par., Norfolk. See Sco-Ruston.
Ruston Parva, par., East-Riding Yorkshire, 4 miles NE. of Driffield, 969 ac., pop. 129.
Rnswarp, township and ry. sta., Whitby par., North-Riding Yorkshire, on river Esk, in town of Whitby, 1740 ac. and 79 foreshore, pop. 4839; P.O.; the sta. is 1J mile SW. of Whitby sta.
Ruswick, Yorkshire. See Runswick.
Rutherford, ry. sta., Maxton par., Roxburghshire, 6 miles SW. of Kelso.
Rutherglen, parl., royal, and police burgh and par., in NAV. of Lanarkshire, on river Clyde, 2 miles SE. of Glasgow—par., 2151 ac., pop. 13,801; parl. burgh and town, pop. 11,265; royal and police burgh, pop. 11,473; P.O., T.O., 2 Banks, 1 newspaper. Rutherglen (popu- larly Ruglen) was made a royal burgh in 1126, and was a place of much importance before the rise of Glasgow. There are extensive collieries and ironworks in the vicinity. Rutherglen forms one of the Kilmarnock Dis- trict of Parliamentary Burghs, which returns 1 member.
Ruthin.—parl. and mun. bor., market town, and par., Denbighshire, on river Clwyd, 7§ miles SE. of Denbigh by rail—par., 737 ac., pop. 1130; bor. (extending into Llanfair-Dyffryn-Chvyd, Llanfwrog, Llanrhydd, and Llanynys pars.), 2033 ac., pop. 3033 ; P.O., T.O.-, 2 Banks. Market-days, Monday and Saturday. Ruthin has an old collegiate church (originally the chnrch of a white friary) and a grammar school. The “Red Castle” from which it takes its name was built about 1280, and was captured and dismantled by the Parliamentary General Mytton in 1646. Ruthin is a seat of assizes, sessions, and county courts. It has mfrs. of aerated waters, and some trade in agricultural produce and in stone and other building materials. Ruthin was made a municipal bor. by Henry VII. ; it is one of the Den- Gazetteer of the British Isles, Statistical and Topographical, by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S.
Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1887. Public domain image from Gedcomindex.com
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