Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 38
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AND    38    AND

Trajan, above 2,000 ft. in length. Near this stands
the beautiful triumphal arch of Trajan. Here
likewise Clement XII. erected a lazaretto, which
advances a little way into the sea in the form of
a pentagon. Great numbers of Jews are settled in
this city, where they have a synagogue; and they
have the principal share of its commerce. An-
cona was taken in 1796 by the French, who sur-
rendered it to theAustrians in 1799. It is 116
in. N. by E. of Rome. Long. 13. 29. E. lat. 43.38.
N. Pop. about 20,000.

Ancrani, p.t. Columbia Co. N.Y. 52 m. S. Al-
bany. Pop. 1,533. Here are large manufactures of
bar and pig iron.

Ancyra, the capital of Galatia, near the river
Halys, said to have been built by Midas, king of
Phrygia, and so named from an anchor found
there. See

Andahuailas, the chief town of a district of the
same name, in the intendency of Guamanga, Pe-
ru, about 100 m. W. of Cuzco.

Andalusia, a province of Spain, which in its
largest sense comprises the kingdom of Granada,
Seville, Cordova, Jaen, and the colony of Sierra
Morena, bounded on the N. by Estremadura and
La Mancha, E. by Murcia, S. by the Mediterra-
nean, and W. by the Atlantic and Portugal. The
Guadalquivir runs through its whole length ;
and it is the most fertile and trading country in
Spain. Its aggregate superficies are 2,281 French
leagues, and pop. about 1,900,000. The French
overran this province in 1810, but evacuated it in
consequence of the battle of Salamanca, in 1812.
The capital is Seville.

Andalusia, New. See Paria.

Andalusia, p. t. Bucks Co. Pa. 94 m. E. Harris-

Andaman Islands, several islands on the E.
side of the bay of Bengal. The largest called
Great Andaman, is 120 m. long and 16 broadl
indented by deep bays affording good harbours,
and intersected by rivers one of which passes quite
through the island, and at high water is navigable
for small vessels. The forests afford some precious
trees, as ebony and the Nicobar bread-fruit : and
the r uble birds’ nests abound here. The only
quadrupeds seem to be wild hogs, monkeys, and
rats. The inhabitants are in a state of barbarism,
and live chiefly on fish, fruits* and herbs; they
perfectly resemble negroes, and their canoes are of
the rudest kind. In 1793, the Jinglish made a
settlement on the N. end of Great Andaman, the
largest island, which is called Port Cornwallis,
and has a commodious harbour to shelter ships
during the N. E. monsoon. Long. 93. 0. E. lat.
13. 30. N.

Andaye, a fortified town of Franee, in the depart-
ment of Lower Pyrenees, famous for its brandy.
It is situate near the mouth of the Bidassoa,
almost opposite Fontarabia, in Spain, 18 m. S. W.
of Bayonne.

Andely, a town of France, in the department of
Eure, divided by a paved road into Great and
Little Andely, a mile from each other. Great
Andely is on the rivulet Gamons, and Little Ande-
ly on the Seine. The cloths manufactured here
are in high esteem. It is 17 m. N. E. of Evreux,
and 20 S. E. of Rouen.    ,

Andcmach, a town in the grand duchy of the
Lower Rhine, now forming part of the Prussian
territory. Great quantities of timber are collected
here, which are formed into vast rafts, and floated
hence to Dordrecht, in Holland. It is seated on
the Rhine, 20 m. N. WT. of Coblentz.

Anderah, a city of Usbec Tartary, capital of the
province of Tokaristan. In its vicinity are rich
quarries of lapis lazuli. It is seated on a branch
of the Gihon Amu, and near a pass through the
mountains of Hindooko into the kingdom of Cau-
bul, 240 m. E. S. E. of Balk. Long. 68. 58. E.
lat. 36. 10. N.

Anderson, a County of E. Tennessee. Pop
5,312. Clinton, on Clinch river, is the chief town.

Anderson, a County of Kentucky. Pop. 4,542.
Lawrenceburg is the chief town.

Andersonburg, p.v. Perry Co. Pa, 36 m. N-

Anderson, t. Hamiltou Co. Ohio.

Andersontown, p,v. Madison Co. Ind. 21 m. N
W. Indianopolis.

Andcrsonville, p.v. Pendleton Dis. S. C. 150 m.
N. W. Columbia.

Andersonville, p.t. Hancock Co. Miss. 42 m. S.
E. Monticello.

Andes, p.t. Delaware Co. N. Y. 87 m. W. Al-
bany. Pop. 1,859.

Andero, St. See Santander.

Andes, a chain of mountains running through
the whole extent of North and South America,
although the name is confined to S. America alone;
and N. of the isthmus of Darien the chain is
known by the name of the Cordilleras, Rocky
Mountains &c. From the utmost extremity of
the Southern division, in south lat. 54, to about
the lat. of 18 south, tney continue in an unbroken
line to run parallel with the shore of the Pacific
Ocean, at a distance cf 100 to 200 miles, with here
and there parallel ridges further east, and at an al-
titude of 12,000 to 15,000 ft. above the level of the
sea ; from about the 18th to the 15th deg. of south
lat. the chain is somewhat broken, but further
north they assume a more grand and imposing
form, diverging into parallel ridges, and rising
near the equator to an altitude of 21,440 ft. and in
several places issue forth volcanic eruptions with
terrific violence. N. of the equator they diverge
into 4 parallel and distinct ridges, running to
the shores of the Caribean Sea, and the outermost
ridge skirting the coast of that sea to the Atlantic,
through the chain which unites the two grand
divisions of America, or the western hemisphere,
the mountains are considerably broken; but at
about the 15th degree of north lat. through the
teritory of Mexico, they again assume their won-
ted grandeur, rising to a height of 17,720 ft. and
again pouring forth volcanic matter, and proceed
in an unbroken line at a somewhat greater dis-
tance from the sea than through the south division,
by the name of the Rocky Mountains, to the Icy
Sea in the 70th deg. of north lat. From the 40th
deg. of lat. south, to the 30th north, the Andes
abound with gold, silver, copper, and other me-
tallic substances.

In the Colombian provinces, the Andes are di
vided into three parallel chains separated by deep
and extensive valleys, which are the basins of
great rivers. Farther south these mountains in-
termingle in one group and stretch onward be-
yond the equator. The Andes of Quito are the
most elevated points of the whole chain, Chimbo-
razo being the highest summit in America, unless
according to the statement of a recent traveller,
the peak of Ylimani he entitled to this distinc-
tion. Throughout Peru and Chile these moun-
tains still maintain a sublime elevation and con-
tain enormous metallic riches. The highest peaks
are in the region of eternal snow, ai;d they pre-
sent in every quarter the most grand and imposing

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