Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 135
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BUC    135    BUC

Brzese, or Polesia, Palatinate of, a district of
Russian Poland, lying between the rivers Bug on
the west, and Dnieper on the east, intersected by
the line of the 52nd degree of N. lat., and also
from W. to E. by the Przspice River, with nu-
merous collateral branches falling into the Dnie-
per. These rivers, from a total absence of all
attempts to free the obstructions of their currents,
tend to make Brzese a marshy and drearv district,
which, under social and reciprocal arrangements,
might easily be made to rank among the most
fertile in Europe. The Pina, a branch of the
Przspice, is united by a canal to the Machawiza,
a branch of the Bug, falling into the Vistula,
thereby uniting the waters of the Black Sea with
those of the Baltic.

Brzese Litov, the chief town of the above dis-
trict is situate at the confluence of the river Ma-
chawiza with the Bug, opposite to Therespol. It
is a considerable place, the see of a Greek bishop,
and celebrated for its being the chief place for the
instruction of Jews destined for rabbinical pur-
suits. It is strongly fortified, and has a castle on
an eminence about 100 in. E. by S. of Warsaw, and
250 S. E. of Dantzic.

Brzese, is also the name of another town, capi-
tal of another Palatinate of the same name, lying
between the rivers Wartha on the S. AV. and Tis-
tula on the N. E. The town, seated near the
Vistula. is about 00 m. AAk by X. of AATarsaw, and
130 due S. of Dantzic.

Brzezanu. a town in the S. E. part of Austrian
Galhcia. seated near a small lake communicating
with the Dneister River. Pop. about 5.000.

Brze, and Brzo, begin the names of numerous
other towns and villages in different parts of Po-
.and and Gallicia but none of them merit any
particular notice.

Brzesnitz, a town of Bohemia, in the circle of
Saatz, on the frontier of the principality of Mies-
sen, with manufactures of lace, fire-arms, and
hardware, 24 m. AV. N. AV. of Saatz. Another,
in the north part of the circle of Prachin, 18 m.
AV. N. AV. of Pisek.

Baa, an island in the gulf of A’enice, on the
coast of Dalmatia, called likewise Partridge Island,
because frequented by those birds. It is joined
bv a bridge to the town of Traon, about 20 m. AV.
S. AVI of Spalatro.

Buarcos, a town of Portugal, in Beilin, on the
sea-coast, at the mouth of the Mondego, 27 m. S.
of Aveira. It suffered greatly by the earthquake
which destroyed the greater part of Lisbon in

Buccari. or Buchan, a seaport of the Austrian
empire, on the coast of Morlachia, at the head of
the N. E. part of the gulf of A'enice, declared by
the emperor, in 1780, a free port for commerce
with the East Indies ; but the favour might just
as well hive applied to trading with the moon, for
anv advantage that has resulted from the declara-
tion. It is 12 m. E. of Fiume. Pop. about 3,000.

Btuhaaes. the most eastern promontory of Scot-
land. to the east of Peterhead, in Aberdeenshire,
in long. 1. 34. AV. !at. 57. 27. N. Near this prom-
ontory are the Bullers of Buchan, and other stu-
pendous rocks and precipices, much admired for
their awfiil grandeur.

Bucharia. See Bakkaria.

Buchau, a town of Suabia. with a nunnery, seat-
ed on a small lake, called Fevder See, 25 m. S.
AV. of Ulm.

Buchau, a town of Bohemia, in the circle of
Saatz, 26 m. S W. of Saatz.


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Buchotz, a town of Brandenburg, in the middle
mark, seated on the Dahme, near the frontier of
Lusatia, 23 m. S. S. E. of Berlin.

Kuehorest, a strong city of European Turkey,
capital of Wallachia, where the hospodar com-
monly resides. The patriarchal church is large,
adjoining to the palace of the archbishop ; and in
a square, near the centre of the town, is the great
church of St. George, the patron saint of Wal-
lachia. The inhabitants are estimated at 60,000.
It is seated on the Domboriza, which falls into
the Danube. 25 m. S. S. E. of Terpovist, and
200 N. bv W. of Adrianople. Loner. 2(1. 8. E. lat.

44. 37. N.

Buehorn, a town of Suabia, seated on the north
bank of the lake of Constance, 18 m. N. AAk of
Lin dau.

Buehden, a village in Huntingdonshire, Eng.
5 m. S. W. of Huntingdon, and 61 N. of Lon-
don. Here is a superb palace of the bishops of
Lincoln, and several of the prelates have been
interred in the church. Pop. 368.

Buckelmrg, a town of Westphalia, in the coun-
ty of Schauenburg, with a castle, on the river
Aa, 3 m. E. S. E. of Minden.

Buckengham, Old and JYeiv, two towns in Nor-
folk, Eng. 12 m. E. by N. of Thetford, and 93
N. E. of London. Pop. together 1,854.

Buckfastleigh, a village in Devonshire, Eng.
three miles S. by AV. of Ashburton. Here are
some remains of a Cistercian abbey; and many of
the houses are built with materials from its ruins.
Pop. 2,240.

Buckfield, p.t. Oxford Co. Me. Pop. 1,510.

Buchhead, p.t. Fairfield Dis. S. C. 33 m. N.

Buckingham, an interior county of England,
bounded on the south by the river Thames, which
divides it from Berkshire, east by the counties of
Middlesex, Hertford, and Bedford, south by North
ampton, and west by Oxfordshire. The south
part is intersected by the Ouse River, running
from west to east into Bedfordshire, working sev-
eral corn and paper mills, but is now navigable
within the county. The Syssel runs from south
to north into the Ouse, and the Coin, which di-
vides the county from that of Middlesex, runs
from north to south into the Thames. The Thame,
which rises in the centre of the county, runs
west, falling into the Thames, in Oxfordshire.
The north part is intersected by a range of chalk
hills, and the Grand Junction Canal runs through
the south-east part of the county, being carried
over the river Onse, by an aqueduct three quar-
ters of a mile in length. The county may be con-
sidered divided by the chalk hills into two exten-
sive plains the south part producing wheat and
beans of superior quality, and the north part ap-
propriated more to pasture. In addition to its
chalk, which is distributed over all its inland
counties, for whitewashing, it has veins of fuller’s
earth and ochre.

This county has long been celebrated for its corn
and cattle : formerly fine flocks of sheep were fed
in the vale of Aylesbury, hut the breeding of
these useful animals has heen for some time on
the decline. At present this vale feeds oxen for
the London market, to which it also sends im-
mense supplies of batter weekly. There is a
small proportion of arable land in the northern
division of the county; and not much in any
other part, except the Chiltern districts, which
are usually cultivated with wheat, barley, oats,
beans, and sainfoin. In the neighbourhood ot


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