Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 178
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CER    176    CER

necessary consequence of commercial inter-
course ; and when reciprocity and justice, instead
of selfishness and chicane, shall constitute the
basis of its pursuit, Celebes, in common with the
whole eastern Archipelago, will afford an un-
bounded field for exertion and enterprise. The
total population of Celebes is supposed to amount
to about 3,000,000, under the surveillance of sev-
eral separate rajahs, among whom polygamy and
the other sensualities of Mahometanism generally
prevail. The following are the principal towns
or ports in each of the five projections previously

1st, Bonthin, Macassar, Maros, and Tannette.

2nd, Mountainous, and very thinly inhabited.

3rd, Ditto, ditto, Waya and Tayabo.

4th, Palos, Dondo ; fine and fertile.

5th, Bool, Castricom, and Manado,

And of the main part of the island are Bonny,
Sofin, and Mamoojoo. The principal river of
the island, the Chrinrana, falls into the Bay of
Bony or Bugged,
which see; and see also Tobo
Tominie, Cambyna, and Bouton, other bays and
islands connected with Celebes.

Cell, or Maria Zell, a town of Stiria, with a cele-
Drated abbey, seated on the Saltza, 17 m. N. N.
E. of Brack.

Ceneda, a town of Italy, in Trevisano, 18 m. N.
of Treviso.

Cenis, a mountain of the Maritime Alps, in
Savoy, which is a noted passage from the north
of France to Turin. The summit of the pass,
which is about 9,000 feet above the level of the
sea, is 35 m. W. N- W. of Turin. The facility
of intercourse by this route was much improved
hy Napoleon.

Centre, a county of the W. District of Penn-
sylvania, being in conformity with its name, in
the centre of the state. Its shape is an irregular
square, about 35 m. each way. The main ridge
of the Alleghany Mountains terminates in a bluff
towards the north side of the county, near to which
runs the west branch of the Susquehanna River,
a branch of which bounds all the west side of the
county, Bald Eagle Creek intersecting it from S.
to N. eastward of the mountain ridge. Pop.
18,765. Bellefonte, is the chief town.

Centre Harbour, p.t. Strafford Co. N. H. 110 m.
from Boston : 70 from Portsmouth. Pop. 577.

There are 8 towns called Centre, and 17
Centrevillc, in the U. States.

Cephalonia. See Cefalonia and Ionia.

Ceram, one of the Molucca Isles, extending rora
128. to 130. 51. of E. long, being about 35 m. in
mean breadth between the lat. of 2. 51. and 3.55.

S. The island of Amboyna, on which the Dutch
have their principal spice plantations, lies off the
south-west end of Ceram, on which island, they
endeavoured to destroy all the spice trees, and
succeeded to a very great extent. Sago is now
the prominent production of Ceram. The
whose edible nests command such an exor-
bitant price in China is common in the island.

Cerdngna, a district of the Pyrenees, partly in
Spain, in the province of Catalonia, and partly
in France, in the department of Eastern Pyren-
ees. Puycerda is the capital of the Spanish part,
and Mont Louis of the French.

Cere, St. a town of France, in the north-east
corner of the department of Lot, 37 m. N. E. of
Cahors,and 280 south of Paris. Pop. about 4,000.

Cerenza, or Gercenaz, a town of Naples, in Cal-
abria Citeriore, seated o i a rock, 10 m. north
bv west of Severino.

Ceret, a town of France, in the department of
Eastern Pyrenees, with a magnificent bridge
of one arch over the Tet. Here ihe commission-
ers of France and Spain met, in 1660, to settle the
limits of the two kingdoms. In 1794, the French
defeated the Spaniards near thfa town. It is 14
m. W. S. W. of Perpignan.

Cerignola, a town of Naples, in Capitanata,
celebrated by Horace for its excellent bread
Near this town is the ancient Salapia, the ruins
of which are still called Salpe. It is 20 m. south
of Manfredonia. Pop. about 12,000.

Cerigo, (the ancient Cythera,) an island of the
Mediterranean, lying off the S. E. promontory
of the Morea; it formerly belonged to the Vene-
tians ; the French took possession of it in 1797; it
surrendered to the English in 1809, and at the
peace of 1815 was included in the Ionian repub-
lic, under the protection of England. It is about
17 m. long from north to south, and 10 in breadth,
mountainous, and but little cultivated. The
inhabitants are principally Greeks, whose chief
occupation is in attending to their flocks of sheep
and herds of goats. There is a town of the same
name near the south-end of the island, contain-
ing about 1,200 inhabitants; the extreme south
point of the island is in lat. 36. 9. and 22. 57. E.

Cerigotto, (the ancient JEgilia,) a small island,
lying between the S. E. point of Cerigo, and the
N. W. point of Candia. Lat. 35. 51 N. and 23.
44. W. long. It is unproductive, and has but few

Cerilly, a town ,of France, in the department
of Allier, 25 m. west of Moulins, and 40 south
by east of Bourges.

Cerina, a seaport, (the ancient Cerynia,) on
the north coast of Cyprus, and a Greek bishop’s
see, with a castle on an immense rock. The
chief exports are barley, silk, cotton, oil, and carob
heans. It is 20 m. N. W. of Nicosia. Long. 32.
55. E. lat. 25. 45. N.

Ceme Abbey, a town in Dorsetshire, Eng.
It is surrounded by high chalk hills, and on the
side of one of them is cut the figure of a man, 180
feet in height, holding a club in his right hand,
and extending the other. Here was formerly a
stately abbey, and part ofits remains is now con-
verted into a house and barn. It is seated on the
river Cerne, 7 m. N. N. AV. of Dorchester, and
120 west by south of London. Pop. in 1821,

Cernetz, a town of Switzerland, in the canton of
Grisons, with a mineral spring; seated on the
river Inn, 24 m. S. E. of Coire.

Cerrito, a town of Naples, in Terra di Lavoro,
with a cathedral and collegiate church, 5 m.
N. N. E. of Telesa.

Certosa, a town of Italy, in the Milanese, with
a celebrated Carthusian monastery, five miles
north of Pavia.

Cervera, a town of Spain, in Catalonia, with
a university, 34 m. north by west of Tarragona.
Another on the borders of France and the Medi-
terranean, eight miles north of Roses, and five or
six o lic-rs in different parts of Spain.

Cervia. a town of Italy, in Romagna, seated
near the Gulf of Venice, whence canals are cut
to adroit sea water, from which much salt is made.
It is 10 m. S. E. of Revenna.

Cervin, Mont, the most conical point of the
Alps, in Savoy, contiguous to Mont Blanc.

Ccminara, a town of Naples, in Principato
Ulteriore, 12 m. S. W. of Benevento.

Public domain image from

Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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