Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 186
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CHE    186    CHE

Chazy, a small river in Clinton county, state
of New York, which falls into Lake Champlain.
A town of the same name in Clinton Co. on the
north bank of the river, ss 171 m. due north of
Albany. Pop. 3,097.

Cheadle, a town in Staffordshire, Eng. Here
is a large tape manufactory, and in the vicinity
are several copper and brass works, and rich
coal mines. Four miles S. E. are the ruins of
Croxden abbey. It is seated in the most fertile
part of the VIoorland, 12 m. N. N. E. of Stafford,
and 14G N. W. of London. Pop. in 1821, 3,862.

Cheadle, a parish in Cheshire, Eng. lying on
the S. W. side of
Stockport (which see.) Pop. in

Chebucto Bay, Nova Scotia. See Halifax.

Chedabacto Bay, at the east end of Nova Scotia,
opening into the Atlantic Ocean, at the entrance
of the Gulf of Canso, in lat. 45. 20. N. and 61. of
W. long. Salmon river, which abounds in the
estimable fish of that name, falls into this Bay.

Chedder, a village contiguous to Axminsler, in
Somersetshire, England. It is situate in a de-
lightfully picturesque part of the county, on the S.
W. side of the Mendip hills, and is deservedly
celebrated for the excellence of its cheese. Pop.
in 1821, 1,797.

C/ieduba, an island in the Bay of Bengal, on the
-toast of Birmah, 45 m. long, and ten broad. It
yields abundance of rice, and the most western
point is in long. 93. 35. E. lat. 18. 56. TSf.

Chego Muddi, a town of Hindoostan, in the
country of Cutch, at the mouth of the Caggar,
23 m. S. W. of Boogebooge, near the mouth of
the eastern branch of the Indus.

Cheitore or Chitore, a town of Hindoostan, in
the territory of Oudipour. It was the capital
of the ranna, or chief prince, of the Rajpoots, in
the days of his greatness ; and was a fortress and
city of great extent, situate on a mountain : but
it has been in ruins since the time of Aurungzebe,
in 1681. It is 48 m. N. N. E. of Oudipour. and
88 S. S. W. of Agimere. E. long. 74. 50. and 24
35. N. lat.

Chelm, a town of Poland, in Red Russia, cap-
ital of a palatinate of its name and a bishop 's see.
In 1794, the Poles were defeated by the Prussians
near this town. It is 100 m. E. S. E. of Warsaw7.
Long. 23. 29. E. lat. 51. 20. N.

Chelmcr, a river, in Essex, Eng. which rises
near Thaxted, and flows bj Dunmow and Chelms-
ford, to Malden, where ft joins the Blackwinter.

Chelmsford, the county toWn of Essex, Eng.
Here is a stately church, a magnificent shire-
house, theatre, and barracks, an excellent conduit,
and a free school founded by Edward VI. It is
situate at the confluence of the Can with the
Chelmer, 29 m. E. N. E. of London. Pop. in
1321, 4.994.

Chelmsford, a town of Massachusetts, in Mid-
dlesex county, situate on the south side of the
Merrinnc. over which is a curious bridge, at Paw-
tucket Falls, connecting this town with Dracut.
It is 28 m. N. N. AV. of Boston. Middlesex canal
from the Merrimac to Boston harbour, commen-
ces at Chelmsford, which contributes considera-
bly to its importance and interest; there is an ex-
tensive quarry of very fine granite in this vicinity.
Pop. 1,387.

Chelsea, a parish lying along the north bank of
the Thames, to the S. AA’. of London, and of
which it forms an integral part. This section of
the metropolis is distinguished for its hospital for
the support of decayed and maimed sold ojg,
founded in the time of Charles II.; its chief pro
moter wins Sir Stephen Fox, who contributed
xc2xa313,000 towards the building. It wins finished in
the time of AVilliam and Mary ; the building is a
quadrangle, the wdngs extending towards the
river , the base, which is nearly 800 feet in ex-
tent, is entered from the centre of the north front
into a noble vestibule ; the east side is appropria-
ted to a chapel, and the wrest to a hall, in which
the inmates dine ; the wings, which are divided
into wards, are each 300 feet in length, 80 w7ide,
and three stones high ; the infirmary, other out-
buildings and gardens compose an area of nearly
50 acres. Sir Cristophcr AVren wins the architect,
and in respect to proportion and convenience,
the edifice is worthy of his high reputation, and
the whole produces an imposing effect; but be
ing built mostly of brick, it is inferior in mag-
nificence to the marine hospital at Greenwich.
The number of inmates is 336, exclusive of offi-
cers and the necessary attendants; there are
about 20,000 out-pensioners. In 1801 a milita-
ry asylum, contiguous to the hospital, wins estab-
lished for the education of 1,000 children of non-
commissioned officers and soldiers, towards the
support of which the whole army contributes one
day’s pay per annum; the building which is prin-
cipally of brick, cost about xc2xa3150,000. Chelsea
is also distinguished for its Botanic garden, form-
ed by*Sir Hans Sloane, and presented by him in
1721, to the Apothecaries’ Company of London,
on condition of paying a quit rent of xc2xa35 per
ann. and presenting annually to the Royal Socie-
ty 50 different specimens of plants grown in the
garden, until the number of new7 specimens
amounted to 2,000. This section of the metropo-
lis, during the first 20 years of the present century
exceeded most others in the increase of its pop-
ulation, the number in 1821 having been 26,860,
and in 1801 only 11,604. It is surrounded by
extensive nursery grounds, which with the usual
routine of shop-keeping, constitutes the chief oc-
cupation of the inhabitants, among which are
numbers of retired families on comparitively small
incomes. A handsome new church, in theGothic
style, was completed in 1825. The hospital is
about two miles W. S. W. of Westminster Ab-
bey, and four miles in the same direction from
the Royal Exchange.

Chelsea, ph. Orange Co. Vt. Pop. 1,958.

Chelsea, ph. Suffolk Co. Mass. separated from
the city of Boston by the harbour, and from
Charlestown by Mystic river, over which is a
very long bridge. Here is a? United States Marine
Hospital. Pop. 770.

Chelsea Landing, a village in Norwich, Conn. 14
m. above New London, on the Thames.

Cheltenham, a town in Gloucestershire, Eug.
situate in a fertile vale, near the foot of Colds-
wold Hills, 94 m. N. W. of London, on the road
to Gloucester. Till within the present century
it was an inconsiderable place, participating par-
tially in the woolen manufactures of the neigh
bouring district. It acquired some distinction by
the discovery of a medicinal spring in 1740,
and being visited by George III. in 1788, it be-
came somewhat celebrated ; the population, how-
ever, in 1801 amounted only to 3,076, since which
it has greatly increased in numbers and import-
ance, and in 1826 it wins one of the chief resorts
of gaiety and fashion in the kingdom; a theatre
was erected in 1803; baths,1 assembly rooms, li-
braries, public walks, and other attractions, have
progressively been extended for the accommoda

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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