Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 199
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CHO    199    CHR

island formed by the river Bog, 80 m. N. E. of
Kaminieck. Long. 27. 50. E. lat. 49. 44. N.

Choco, a bay of Colombia, in the Pacific Ocean.
There is a town named Buenaventura, at the
mouth of a river, falling into this bay, in the lat.
of 3. 50. N.    ...

Choco, is also the name of a district in Colom-
bia, lying between the two first western ridges of
the Andes, between the 6th and 8th degrees of
N. lat. The river Atrato intersects this district
from south -to north, falling into the Gulf of
Darien; the head waters of this river were uni-
ted in 1788 by the Canal de Raspadura, with the
river St. Juan, falling into the Pacific Ocean
about 20 m. N. W. of Buenaventura.

Choconut, t. Susquehanna, Co. Pa.

Choctaws, or Flat Heads, a tribe of Indians in
ine State of Mississippi and Alabama. They are
about 20,000 in number, and possess a fertile soil
producing cotton which they manufacture into
cloth for their own use. Within a few years
their condition has been much improved, and the
state of agriculture among them is quite respect-
able. They have missionary stations in their terri-
tory at Elliot, Emmaus, Goshen, Hebron, May-
hew and other places.

Choczim, a town and fortress of Moldavia,
situate on the south bank of the Dneister, 110 m.
N. N. W. of Jassy, and 15 S. W. of Kamienic,
in Podolia. Choczim was the scene of repeated
conflicts between the Turks and Poles.#during
the integrity of Poland, and since its dissolution
between the Turks and Russians, till it was finally
ceded to the latter power in 1812 and it is now
included in the government of PodoBa.

Choiseid, a town of France, in the department
of Upper Marne, 12 m. N. E. of Langres.

ChoUet, a town of France, in the department of
Mayenne and Loire, with a castle, 27 m. S. S. W.
of Angers. Pop. about 4,800.

Choim, or Kolm, a town of Russia, in the gov-
ernment of Pskov, on the river Lovat, 180 m. S.
of Petersburg.

Cholmogor, or Kolmogor, a tovvn in the govern-
ment of Archangel, situate on an island in the
river Dwina, 30 m. S. of the city of Archangel.

Cholula, a city of Mexico, in the intendancy of
Puebla, and about seven miles west of the city of
Puebla. Previous to the irruption of the Span-
iards into Mexico, Cholula was the seat of gov-
ernment of an independent state, which, in con-
junction with three other adjoining republics,
had resisted the authority of the Mexicans for
several centuries. Cortes halted at Cholula, on
his wav to the city of Mexico, in 1519, at which
time it"contained about 200,000 inhabitants, who
carried on extensive manufactures of cotton
cloths, jewelrv. and earthenware. It was also
the chief place of religious resort in all Mexico,
having a temple in the shape of a pyramid, of
great extent and magnificence ; it had also, at
that time, no: less than 400 other places of wor-
ship. Choiuli is now, comparatively, an incon-
siderable place, having only about 15,000 inhab
itants. being eclipsed in splendour and importance
hy Puebla.

Chonod, or Cson.ul, an episcopal town of Hun-
gary, and capital of
a coanty of the same name.
It is seated on the xc2xabxc2xabnth bank of the north branch
of the Marosch River, 25 miles above its entrance
into the Theiss, at Zegedin.

Choptank, a river off Delaware and Maryland,
flowing into the Chesapeak Bay.

Chorassan, or Khorossan, a province of Persia,
fextending from the lat. of 32. to 39. N. and from

54. 30. to 93. of E. long, area of
about 147,000 square miles. It is bounded on the
west by the Great Salt Desert, Mazenderan, and
the Caspian Sea; north by the Bay of Balkan,
and the Desert of Katakum; N. E. by the main
branch of the Gihon Amu, or Oxus River, which
divides it from Great Bucharia, east by the terri-
tory of Balk ; S. E. by the Lake Zeresh, or Dur-
ra, which divides it from Segistan, and the ex-
treme south, projects Upon the Desert of Kerman.
A ridge of the Gaur Mountains intersects the
east side of the province, from south to north;
and east of this ridge is the Magrab River, which
falls into the Oxus at Amol. Another river, with
several tributary streams, rises near Herat, in the
S. xc2xa3. corner of the province, and runs in a N. W.
direction into the Bay of Balkan. Meshid, in the
latitude of 37. 35. N. and 57. 15. E. long, is the
capital of the province ; the other chief towns are
Herat, Badkis, Zenzau, Abiverd, &c.

Chmrley, a town in Lancashire, Eng. It is seat
ed on the line of the Liverpool, Lancaster, and
Leeds canal, 22 m. N. W. of Manchester, on the
road to Preston, from which it is distant 9 miles.
Chorley participates largely in that great business
for which Lancashire is so celebrated, viz. the cot-
ton manufacture. In J825, there were four large
establishments for spinning, upwards of twenty
for weaving (chiefly muslins.) six for printing of
calicoes, with a proportionate number for dyeing,
bleaching, reed-making, &c. In the neighbour-
hood are quarries of ashlar, flag, and millstone ;
and mines of coal, lead, and alum, and also car-
bonate of barytes. It holds four fairs annually.
The population in 1801. 4,516 ; and in 1821, 7,315

* * There are six villages in different parts of
England named
Ckorlton. all inconsiderable.

Choule, a town of Hindoostan. on the coast of
Concan, with a harbour for small vessels, which
is fortified. It is 24 m. S. of Bombay.

Chowan, a county of North Carolina, contain-
ing about 100 square miles, bounded on the east
by the Chowan River, at its influx into Albemarle
Sound. Pop. 6,688. Edenton is the chief town.

Christburg, a town of West Prussia, with a
castle on a hill, situate on the Sorge, 15 m. S. E.
of Marienburg.

Christchurch, a borough in Hampshire, Eng.
with considerable trade in knit silk stockings and
watch-strings. It returns two members to par-
liament. Here are the remains of a castle and a
priory ; and the church is a large and interesting
structure. It is seated on the Little Avon, oppo-
site the influx of the Stour, about half a mile
above the entrance of the united stream into the
British Channel, 25 m. S. of Salisbury, and 100
S. W. of London. Pop. in 1821, 4,644.

Christian, a western county of Kentucky, the
south end of which borders on Tennessee. It is
watered by several streams, which, after being
united into one, run west into Cumberland River.
Pop. 12,694. Hopkinsville, in the centre of the
coanty, is the chief town.

Christian, a township of Lawrence Co. Arkan-

Christiana, a town of Delaware, in Newcastle
county. It stands on -a navigable creek of its
name, 4 m. S. W. of Newcastle.

Christiansburg, a town of Virginia, chief of
Montgomery county, situate on the west side of
the Alleghany Mountains, near a branch of tho
Kanahwa, 170 m W. S. W. of Richmond.
80. 50. W. lat. 37. 5. N.

Public domain image from

Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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