Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 207
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COB    207    coc

abbey, seated on the Crosne, 13 m. N. W. of

Cluses, a town of Savoy, in Faucigny, seated on
the Arve, 22 m. S. E. of Geneva.

Clwyd, a river of Wales, which rises in the
middle of Denbighshire, runs N. through a fertile
valley of the same name, and having entered
Flintshire flows into the Irish Sea,
6 miles below
St. Asaph.

Clyde, a river of Scotland, which rises in the
south part of Lanarkshire, passes by Lanark,
Hamilton, Glasgow, Renfrew, Dunbarton, and
Port Glasgow to Greenock, where it enters an
arm of the sea, called the Frith of Clyde. This
river runs, for several miles, between high rocks,
and in its course forms several cataracts : is de-
servedly celebrated for its romantic and diversified
scenery, and has several extensive cotton, and
other works on its banks. At Glasgow it becomes
navigable; and
6 miles below that city it is joined
by the Great Canal from the Forth.

Clyde, Frith of, an inlet of the sea, between the
coast of Ayrshire, and the Isle of Arran, which
opens into the north channel, between the N. E.
end of Ireland and Scotland.

Clythness, a cape of Scotland, on the S. E.
coast of the county of Caithness. Long. 0. 33.
E. lat. 53. 16. N.

Coango, a tributary stream of the great river
Congo, in South Africa. It rises in Matamba,
and runs a course nearly due north, falling into
the Congo, about 100 m. above the Cataracts. It
is supposed by some to be the main branch of the

Coanzo, a river of Africa, which rises in the
interior parts, crosses the kingdoms of Matamba
and Angola, and enters the Atlantic in lat, 9.20.S.

Coast Castle, Cape, the principal settlement
of the English on the coast of Guinea, with a
strong citadel. The Portuguese first formed an
establishment here in 1610 ; but were soon after
dislodged by the Dutch, who, in their turn, sur-
rendered it to the English, in 1661. At the pre-
sent period it appears increasing in commercial
importance. It is in the lat. of 57. N. and 152.
of W. long.

Cobbe, the capital of the territory of Darfur, in
Zahara. North Africa, situate on the borders of
Nubia. 150 rn. WT. S. W. of Sennar, and 500 S.
E. of Mathan. Long. 28.
8. E. lat. 14. 11. N.

Cobbesscconte, r. a branch of the Kennebec,
which rims into that river at Gardiner, Me.

Cobkam. a village in Surrey, Eng. on the river
Mole. 7 m. S. AV. of Kingston. It has several
handsome villas, two medicinal springs, and a
manufacture of iron and copper. Pop. ih 1821,

Coln, called bv the Chinese Shamo, a vast des-
ert of Asia, extending from the 75th to the 110th
degree of E. long, and lying between the 35th
and 25th of X. lat. The western part of this
vast district borders on Bochara, and the S. W.
on Thibet. The Chinese province of
(which set)
projects into this desert, and the N.
E. part stretches toward the frontiers of Asiatic
Russia; but its limits are on every side too imper-
fectly defined to admit of any precise description.
See, however, as well as
Kan-suh, Kara-Kum
and Shing-King.

Cobija, a town of Peru, on the coast of the des-
ert of Atacama with a good harbour for vessels
carrying the uetals from the neighbouring mines.
It is 250 miles south of Arica Loner.
34. 44. W.
lat. 22.20. S.

Coblentz, a strong city of Germany, in the cir
cle of Lower Rhine, situate at the conflux of the
Rhine and the Moselle; with a bridge of boats ovei
the former, and astone-bridge over the latter. In
the time of the Romans it was the station of the
first legion by whom it was called
and after them, the residence of the successors of
Charlemagne; and at a later period, it was the
capital of the grand duchy of Treves. It contains
three large churches two of which are collegiate,
a college, eight convents, &c. It is memorable for
having been the chief rendezvous of the French
emigrant princes at the commencement of the
revolution. It was taken by the French in 1794,
who retained it until the peace of 1814, when it
was assigned to Prussia. It transmits large quan
tides of excellent wine, timber, and iron, by the
Rhine, into Holland. It is285m.W. S. AV.of Ber-
lin, 420 W. N. W. of Vienna, and 260 E. S. E. of
Paris. Long. 7. 32. E. lat. 50.24. N. Pop. about


Coblentz, a town of Switzerland, in the district
of Bayden, at the conflux of the Aar and the
Rhine. It is 10 m. N. N. VV. of Baden.

CobleskiU, p.t. Schoharie Co. N. Y. Pop. 2,988.

Cobre, El, a town of the island of Cuba, 10 m
m. AV. of St. Jago.    *

Coburg, Saxe, a principality, at the S. W. ex-
tremity of the circle of Upper Saxony, projecting
into the circle of Franconia. It is one of the petty
states of the Germanic confederacy. Its area is
about 400 square miles; the population in 1824
was 80,012; its quota of soldiery for support of
the confederacy being 800 men, and its total rev-
enue equal to about xc2xa350,000. It emerged some-
what from obscurity in 1816, by the alliance of
its prince, to the Princess Charlotte of England.

It is a tolerably fertile district, intersected by the
river Itsch, which runs from north to south into
the Mayne, and contains, besides several villages,
the towns of Hilburghausen, Eisfeld, Sonneberg,
Schalkaw, Neustadt, Heldburg, Umerstadt, and
Coburg; and Konigsberg, with several villages
insulated in the bishopric of Wurzburg.

Coburg, the capital of the preceding principali-
ty, is seated on the banks of the Itsch, 95 m. S. S
W. of Leipzig, and has a college, a fort, and a
castle. Here are manufactures of porcelain, and
of petrified wood, with which the country abounds,
and it carries on some trade in wool. The govern-
ment offices and town house form part of the sides
of a spacious square. Pop. about 7,000.

Coca, a town of Spain, in Old Castile, with a
strong castle for state prisoners; seated among
mountains, on the river Eresma, 22 m. N. W. of

Cochabamba, a district of South America, lying
between the 62nd and
68th degrees of W. long,
and the 16th and 19th of S. lat. and forming a part
of the Republic of Bolivia. It is watered by
several streams, all running from south to north,
uniting on the northern frontier, to form the river
Mainore, running through the government of
Moxos and Brazil, where after the union of the
Guapare, it is called the Madeira, falling into tne
Amazon. Cochabamba is an exceedingly fertile
district; and the inhabitants, about 70,000 in num-
ber, seem to perfer the pursuits of agriculture,
rather than of mining. The chief town of the
same name is situate on the western confines of
the province, in the lat. of 18. S. and about 200
miles east of Arica.

Cocheco, r. N. H. a branch of the Salmon Fall























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