Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 258
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DON    258    DON

Domino, St one of the Tremitti islands, in the
gulf of Venice, 15 miles from the coast of Naples
in the lat. of 42. 10. N.

Domitz, a town of Lower Saxony, in Mecklen-
burgh-Schwerin, with a fort seated at the conflu-
ence of the Elde and Elbe, 25 m. S. of Schwerin.

Dommel, a river of Dutch Brabant, which re-
ceives the Aa below Bois le Due, and then flows
into the Meuse.

Damo d'Ossala, a town or Italy, in the Milan-
ese, with a castle, seated near the frontier of the
Valois on the Tossa, 20 m. N. of Varallo.

Domotica, or Dimotice, a large town of Europe-
an Turkey, situate on the W. bank of the Maris-
sa, 12 miles S. by W. of Adrianople. Pop. about

Dompaire, a town of France, in the department
of Vosges, 10 m. AV. N. W. of Epinal.

Domremy, a town of France, in the department
of Meuse, the birth-place of the celebrated Joan
of Arc, the Maid of Orleans. It is seated on the
Meuse, 5 m N. of Neufchateau

Domvillers, or Danvillers a town of France in
the department of Meuse, 14 m. N. of Verdun.

Don, a river pf Europe (the Tanais of the an-
cients,) which intersects the south-east provinces
of Russia. It issues from the lake St. John, in
the governmeut of Tula, and after a very circui-
tous course of several hundred miles, flows into
the sea of Azoph. This river has so many wind-
ings, and such numerous shoals, as to be scarcely
navigable, except in the spring, on the melting
of the snows ; and flat-bottomed boats only, ex-
cept in the same season, can pass into the sea of

Don, a river of Scotland, which rises in the W.
part of Aberdeehshire, receives the Urie-water at
Inverary, passes by Kintore, and enters the Ger-
man Ocean, at Old Aberdeen.

Don, a river in Yorkshire, Eng. which rises on
the borders of Cheshire, flows by Penistone, Shef-
field, Rotheram, Doncaster, and Thorn, and joins
the Ouse near its termination in the Humber.

Donaghadee, a town and parish of Ireland,
in the county of Down, it is seated on the coast
35 miles VV. N. W. of the Isle of Man, and 23
AV. by S. of the Mull of Galloway. It is celebra-
ted as the mail packet station between Ireland
and Scotland
(See Port Patrick.) It has a custom
house, and expprts some cattle and other live
stock to Scotland, but in other respects its com-
merce is very inconsiderable, the receipt of cus-
toms not equalling the expense. Population of
the town in 1821, 2,795, and the parish 3,793
more ; on Mew island at the entrance of the har-
bour, which has been made convenient for the
packets, is a light house in the lat. of 54. 40. N.
and 5. 24. of W. long.

Donaldsonville, p.v. the capital of the parish of
Ascension. Louisiana, on the Mississippi.

Donaveschingen, or Donesehmgen, a town of
Suabia on the H. border of the Black Forest, in
the principality of Furstenburg. It is the chief
residence of the prince; in the court yard of
whose palace are some springs, collected in a res-
ervoir about 30 feet square, which has the honour
of being called the head of the Danube. It is 13
m. N. N. W7. of Schafthausen.

Donawert, a strong town of Bavaria, seated on
the N. bank of the Dasube, at the influx of the
Wernitz, 25 miles N. by W. of Augsburg ; here
is a bridge over the Danube, which causes Dona-
wert to be a place of considerable intercourse.
Pop. about 2,500.













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Doncaster, a handsome town in the S. E. part
of the west riding of Yorkshire, Eng. It is situate
on the great high road from London to York and
Edinburgh, on the S. bank of the river Don, over
which are two handsome bridges. The principal
street is about a mile in length; the mansion
house, in which the mayor and justices hold their
sittings, is a spacious and elegant building; there
is also a town hall, theatre, dispensary, hospital,
and two or three other public buildings, and the
church dedicated to St. George is a noble ed-
ifice. Doncaster has 5 tan yards, several flax
dressers, and some manufactures of sacking, car-
pets, nails, Ac. and its trade in corn is consider-
able; but the agreeableness of its locality ren-
ders it more celebrated as a place of gaiety and
fashion, than as a manufacturing or trading town
The annual races are about the gayest in the king-
dom, and the frequent balls and concerts held in
the mansion house make it the resort of all the
fashion and g#xc2xa3ty of the surrounding country;
there are also about a dozen separate private es-
tablishments for the education of young ladies and
gentlemen ; these with its constant thoroughfare
tend to render it a cheerful and an agreeable res-
idence. It is 158 miles N. from London, 18 N.
E. of Sheffield, 20 S. E. of Wakefield, and 37 S
of York. The population, which in 1801 was
5.697, in 1821 had increased to 9,116. Market on

Dondra Head, the southern point of the island
of Ceylon, in the lat. of 5. 55. 30. N. and 80. 42
of E. long. The land is low and densely popula
ted, but appears to have been of greater impor-
tance than at present, there being the ruins of a
magnificent Hindoo temple in the vicinity. See

Donegal, a maritime county forming the N. W.
extremity of Ireland ; it is about 70 miles in ex
treme length, but being indented by numerous
bays and harbours, it has about 150 miles of sea
coast; the principal bay is called Lough Foyle,
and divides Donegal from the county of London-
derry, opening by a narrow strait into the north
channel. Lough Swilly is another capacious bay,
opening into the Atlantic Ocean, and Donegal
bay, forms the southern boundary of the county,
which is bounded on the E. and S. E. by the
counties of Tyrone and Fermanagh. The river
Finn intersects the centre of the county from W.
to E. and then takes a northern course into Lough
Foyle. Donegal is a mountainous and rather
dreary district, and its inhabitants may be consid-
ered the rudest in Ireland, the greater portion
speaking only their vernacular language. The
mountains contain various minerals ; kelp is made
upon the coast, which yields also a salicious sand
used in the manufacture of glass ; the spinning
of flax, the linen manufacture, and distillation of
spirits prevail over the greater part of the coun-
ty; the principal towns are Lifford, Raphoe,
Johnstown, Letterkenny, Ballyshannon, Donegal,
and Killibegs; at Ballyshannon is a valuable
salmon fishery. It contains the ruins of several
castles and other works of antiquity. For divi-
sions, superfices, population, Ac. see

Donegal, a town and parish of the preceding
county, seated at the head of a bay 111 miles N.
AV. of Dublin, and 25 S. W. of Lifford. Pop.
of the town in 1821, 696, and of the parish 4,426.

*** There are four townships called Donegal in
the state of Pennsylvania.

Doneraile, a town and parish of Ireland, in the
county of Cork. Near it are quarries of beautiful


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