Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 286
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ESS    286    EST

aimost impassable mountains from the regions of
South Greenland, and extending beyond the most
northern inlet of Baffin’s Bay. They are almost
entirely destitute of religious ideas. The othei
tribes have canoes made of the skins of the sea
calf, which sail with great swiftness. These sav-
ages patiently work a grey and porous stone into
the shape of pitchers and kettles. The edges of
these vases are elegantly ornamented. They
preserve their provisions of meat in bags, filled
with whale oil. Those who live near the mouth
of Mackenzie’s River, shave their heads, a pecu-
liar custom, but not sufficient of itself to prove an
Asiatic origin.

Esquimaux Bay, a bay on the S. coast of Lab-
rador, at the entrance to the straits of Belleisle
from the gulf of St. Lawrence. Long. 57. 59. W.,
lat. 51. 30. N.

Esquimaux Islands, a cluster of small islands in
the gulf of St. Lawrence, off the entrance to the

Esseg, or Eszek, a trading town of Sclavonia,
with a sirong castle. It has a wooden bridge over
the Drave, into Lower Hungary, and the marsh-
es, 8 m. in length, and 80 feet in breadth, with
towers at a quarter of a m. distant from each oth
er. It is a difficult pass, and several battles have
been fought here between the Turks and Ger
mans. Esseg was taken from the Turks in 1687,
since which time it has continued in the hands of
the house of Austria. It is seated on the river
Drave, 100 m. W. N. W. of Belgrade, and 136 S.
of Buda. Long. 19. 16. E., lat. 30. 45. N. Pop.
about 9,000

Essen, a town of Westphalia, in the duchy of
Berg. Here are several Catholic churches and
convents, but the inhabitants are chiefly Luther-
ans. It is 8 m. E. of Duysburg.

Essens, a town of Westphalia, in East Fries-
land, near the German Ocean, 20 m. N. N. E. of

Essequibo, a river of Dutch Guiana, on which
is a settlement of the same name, in lat. 7. N.
long. 58. 30. W. It formerly belonged to the
Dutch, but was ceded to the English in 1814.
The river is 300 m. long and 20 wide at its mouth
but incommoded with shoals. The whole dis-
trict is fertile and well cultivated, producing cof-
fee, cotton, sugar and cocoa.

Essex, a maritime and beautifully fertile coun-
ty of England. It is bounded on the S. by the
river Thames, which divides it from the county
of Kent. The county is nearly a square, the
area of which is 1,532 square m. It possesses a
variety of soil and face of country. The S. W.
part is occupied principally by the two forests ot
Epping and Hainhault, and is noted for its butter,
which takes the name of Epping butter. The N.
W. part from Saffron-Walden to Cambridge, is
famous for the growth of saffron ; and for a kind
_ of triple crop of coriander, carraway, and teazle,
which are all sown together, but come to matu-
rity at different periods. The middle part is a
fine corn country, varied with gentle inequalities
of surface, aud sprinkled with woods. The part
bordering on the Thames and the sea consists
chiefly of marshy grounds, which afford excellent
pasturage, being secured from the inroad of the
tides by embankments. Its contiguity to the
metropolis, affords it a facile and advantageous
market for its surplus produce of grain, seeds,
calves, butter, poultry, potatoes, fruit, wild fowl,
and oysters, all of. which it supplies in a greater
proportion than any other county in the kingdom;

yet, notwithstanding all the advantages of fertil
ity, abundance, and contiguity to market, pau-
perism and crime prevail to an equal extent to
any, and to a much greater extent than in most
other parts of the kingdom. The manufacture ot
baize and other worsted stuffs was formerly car-
ried on over the greater part of this county, but
since the middle of the 18th century it has pro-
gressively declined, and is now almost extinct.
It has large establishments for the printing of
calico, and mills for making sheet lead.

Essex is also the name of a county in Upper
Canada, forming a promontory at the southern
extremity of the province, and nearly surrounded
by lakes Erie, and St. Clair, and Detroit river.

Essex is also the name of five counties in differ-
ent parts of the United States of America: viz.

First in Vermont, bounded on the E. for about
45 m. by the Connecticut river, and bounded on
the N. by Lowrer Canada; its mean breadth is
about 20 m. Population 3,981 : chief town Guild-

Second, forming the N. E. part of the state of
Massachusetts, bordering on New Hampshire and
the Atlantic Ocean; it is intersected by the
Merrimack river, and contains several large
towns : viz. Newburyport, Ipswich, Gloucester
Marblehead, Salem, and Beverly, &c. Popula
tion 82,887. Salem is the chief town.

Third, in New York, bounded on the E. for 52
m. by lake Champlain. Population 19,187. The
court house is at Elizabethtown, in Pleasant Val-

Fourth, in New Jersey, hounded on the W., N.
and E. by the Passaic river; its area is only about
150 square m. Pop. 41,028. Newark, is the chief
town ; its contiguity to New York renders it the
most populous and important part of the State.

Fifth, in the E. District of Virginia, on the S.
W. bank of the Rappahannock river, along which
it extends about 30 m. being about 8 m. in mean
breadth. Pop. 10,531. Tappahannock, is the
chief town.

Essex, ph. Chittenden Co. Vt. Pop. 1,664
Also a village in Middlesex Co. Conn.

Esslingen, a village of Austria, on the N bank,
of the Danube, about 6 m. E. S. E. of Vienna,
between which and Aspern a sanguinary battle
was fought between the French and Austrians,
on the 21st and 22nd May, 1809.

Esslingen, a town of Suabia, in the kingdom
of Wurtemberg. Here are several convents, but
the inhabitants are chiefly Lutherans. It has
three extensive suburbs, and its district yields
good Neckar wine. It is seated on the Neckar 8
m. S. E. of Stuttgard. Pop. about 7,000.    ’

Estain, a town of France in the department of
Meuse, 12 m. E. N. E. of Verdun.

Estakar, a town of Persia, in Farsistan, capital
of a district of the same name. Near it are the
magnificent ruins of ancient Persepolis. It is 50
m. N. E. of Shiras. Long. 53. 40. E., lat. 30. 5. N.

Estavayer, a town and baliwick.of Switzerland,
in the canton of Friburg, with a fine castle, seated'
on the lake of Neufchatel, 13 m. W. of Friburcr.

Este, a populous town ofthe Venetian territory.
14 m. S. S. W. of Padua.

Estella, an episcopal town of Spain, in Navarre,
with a castle and a university, seated on the
Ega, 15 m. W. S. W. of Pamplona. Long. 2.
W., lat. 42. 38. N.    S

Estepa, a town of Spain, in Andalusia, with an
ancient.castle on a mountain, 18 m. S. of Eciia
and 58 E. of Seville.


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