Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 301 Right Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 301 Right Column
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    Loire River
    Nantes (directional)
Fleckeroe (Island) (main entry)
    Justeroe (Island) (synonym for Fleckeroe (Island))
    Fleckeren (Island) (synonym for Fleckeroe (Island))
Fleet River (main entry)
    Kirkcudbrightshire, United Kingdom
    Wigton Bay
Fleming County, Kentucky, United States (main entry)
    Flemingsburg, Fleming County, Kentucky, United States
    Lexinton (directional)
Flemington, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, United States (main entry)
Fletcher, Franklin County, Vermont, United States (main entry)
Flensburg, Sleswick, Denmark (main entry)
    Little Belt
    Baltic Sea
    Sleswick (directional)
Fleurance, Gers, France (main entry)
    Gers River
    Auch (directional)
Fleurus, Namur, Netherlands (main entry)
    Charleroy (directional)
Flie (Island) (main entry)
    Vlieland (Island) (synonym for Flie (Island))
    Texel (directional)
    Zuider Zee
Flintshire, United Kingdom (main entry)
    Dee River
    Irish Sea
    Mold, Flintshire, United Kingdom
    Holywell, Flintshire, United Kingdom
    Hawarden, Flintshire, United Kingdom
    St. Asaph, Flintshire, United Kingdom
    Flint, Flintshire, United Kingdom
    Richard II
    Henry IV
    Dee River
    Chester (directional)
    London (directional)
Flint River (main entry)
    Georgia, United States
    Creek Indians
    Chatahoochee River
    East Florida
    Apalachicola River
Flintstone, Alleghany County, Maryland, United States (main entry)
Flix, Catalonia, Spain (main entry)
    Ebro River
    Tortosa (directional)
Floddon, Kirknewton, Northumberland, United Kingdom (main entry)
    Wooler (directional)
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