Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 313 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 313 Left Column
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    Francknau, Upper Hesse, Germany
    Cassel (directional)
Franckenburg, Hesse (main entry)
    Franckenau (directional)
Franconia, Grafton County, New Hampshire, United States (main entry)
    Boston (directional)
    Profile Mountain
    Franconia, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, United States
Frankenburg, Misnia, Upper Saxony (main entry)
    Chemnitz (directional)
Frankenthal, Rhine, Germany (main entry)
    Rhine River
    Worms (directional)
Frankenhausen, Thuringia, Upper Saxony (main entry)
    Wipper River
    Erfurt (directional)
Frankenstein, Rhine, Germany (main entry)
    Kayserslautern (directional)
Frankenstein, Munsterberg, Silesia (main entry)
    Buatze River
    Munsterberg (directional)
Frankford, Sussex County, New Jersey, United States (main entry)
    Frankford, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, United States
    Frankford, Green Brier County, Virginia, United States
    Frankford, Hampshire County, Virginia, United States
Frankfort, Waldo County, Maine, United States (main entry)
    Penobscot River
    Frankfort, Herkimer County, New York, United States
    Frankfort, Franklin County, Illinois, United States
    Shawneetown (directional)
    Frankfort, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, United States
    Frankfort, Morgan County, Virginia, United States
    Frankfort, Guernsey County, Ohio, United States
Frankfort on the Maine, Rhine, Germany (main entry)
    Maine River
    Rhine River
    Frankfort, Frankfort on the Maine, Rhine, Germany
    Sachsenhausen, Frankfort on the Maine, Rhine, Germany
    Roman catholics
    Germanic diet
    European States
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