Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 382
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Holm Oultram, a town in Cumberland, Eng.
sometimes called Holm-Abbey, from the celebra-
ted' abbey that formerly stood here, the remains
of which have been converted into the parish
church. It is seated near the mouth of the Wa-
ver, 12 m. N. of Cockermouth, and 310 N. N. W.
of London.



Holmesburg, p.v. Philadelphia Co. Pa.

Holmes’s Hole, a harbour in the island of Mar-
tha’s Vineyard,
which See.

Holmestille, p.v. Pike Co. Missouri.

Holstebroe, a town of Denmrak, in North Jut-
land, situate on a shallow river which runs into
the North Sea. The principal trade is in corn,
oxen, and horses. It is 24'm. W. of Wiburg,
and 08 N. of Ripen.

Holstein, a dutchy at the N. extremity of Ger-
many belonging to Denmark, 100 m. long and
50 broad; bounded N. by Sleswick, E. by the
Baltic and the dutch of Saxe-Lauenburg, S. by
the duckies of Bremen of Luneburg, and W. by
the German Ocean. Its principal rivers are the
Elbe, the Eyder, and the Stor. It is a fruitful
country, and well seated for trade, having some
^ considerable harbours, particularly those of Ham-
burg, Lubec, and Kiel; and from the latter is a
canal to the Eyder at Rensburg, by which there
is a free navagation from the Baltic to the Ger-
man Ocean. Pop. in 1818, 360,000, most of
whom are Lutherans.

Hnlston, a river of the United States which
rises in the Alleghany mountains in Virginia, and
(lows S. S. W. into the State of Tennessee, where
it takes a more Southerly course to Knoxville,
and 35 m. below that town is joined hy the Clinch,
when their united waters take the name of Ten-
nessee. It is navigable for boats of 25 tons up-
wards of 100 m. On its banks are several iron
works; and the adjacent country abounds with
iron ore, and has sundry lead mines.

Holt, a town in Norfolk, Eng. with an excellent
free school founded by Sir John Gresham. It is
situate in a fertile district, 24 m. W7. N. W. of
Norwich, and 119 N. E. of London.

Holy Island, an island on the coast of England,
8 m. S. E. of Berwick upon Tweed, but belong-
ing to the county of Durham. It is 3 m. long
and 2 broad ; the soil rocky and full of stones ;
and at low water it is accessible by horses and
carriages. It has a town called Kilo, and a castle on
a high rock, under which is a commodious har-
bour, defended by a block-house. On this island are
considerable remains of a stately monastery, called
Lindisfarne, and here was anciently a bishop’s
see, removed with the body of St. Cuthbert, first
to Chester le street, and afterwards to Durham.

Holyhead, a seaport and cape of Wales, in the
isle of Anglesey. It derives its principal support
from the expenditure of passengers to and from
Ireland, being the usual place of embarkation for
Dublin, and the station of the government pack-
ets to and from that city, distant about 20
leagues. In the neighbourhood js a large vein
of white Fuller’s earth, and another of yellow.
Among the principal objects of interest are the
venerable ruins of a hermitage, two chapels, and
the remains of a Dutch wall; these, with the
iight-house and suspension bridge, attract the at-
tention of strangers. The church, near the verge
of the cliff, is a handsome structure of the thir-
teenth century : here are also 4 chapels for dis-
senters, a free school, and some almshouses. Pop.
m 1821, 4,007. 267 m. N W. of London. Long.
4 40 W., lat 53. 23. N.

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Holyoke, Mount, an eminence near Northamp
ton in Massachusetts. It is about 800 feet high,
and may be easily ascended in a carriage. On
the summit is a building erected for the accomo-
dation of visitors who resort hither in summer to
enjoy the beautiful prospect which the mountain
affords. Southwardly'is seen Connecticut river,
retiring under the shade of Mount Tom, whiten-
ed below by South Hadley Falls; beyond which
is the hill at Springfield. The river makes seve-
ral turns, and on the horizon are 2 very distant
peaks, which are supposed to be East and West
Rocks, at New-Haven, about 70 m. distant.
Northeast is seen Monadnoc Mountain in New-
Hampshire ; and the view toward the east is >n
terrupted by the neighbouring peaks of Moum
Holyoke. North, you look up the charming val-
ley of the Connecticut; bordered by distant ranges
of hills and mountains, varied by a few isolated
peaks, covered with the richest coat of vegetation,
and scattered with villages and innumerable farm
houses. The river makes a beautiful serpentine
coarse from where it first appears at the foot of
Sugar Loaf Mountain, and Mount Toby, until it
reaches the village of Hadley, which lies in full
view; and then taking a bold sweep to the west,
and flowing 4 m. it returns to the end of the
street, only a mile distant from where it first meets
it. The whole peninsula is rich and fertile,
and covered with cultivated fields of wheat,
corn, grass, &c. without being disfigured by
fences, according to the custom prevalent here-
abouts ; this is the richest sight upon the river,
particularly when viewed in connexion with the
scene immediately below, where the river flows
on, almost immediately under our feet, and the
western shore presents the extensive Northampton
meadows, a mile wide. Following the current
with the eye, in the West south west, it forms a
still more remarkable peninsula, although one of
inferior size : the Hockanum Bend being a turn
measuring 3 m. in circuit while the isthmus is
only 46 rods across, or 150 yards. In the com-
pass of this view, from the north to the west and
south, numerous village spires are seen, with lev-
el fields, orchards, and gardens, almost without
number; and the whole scene is so bounded with
mountainous ridges, as to seem to justify the
opinion of geologists, who say that it was once
covered with an extensive lake, until the water
forced a passage between Mounts Tom and Holy-
oke. Northampton is seen about west-north-
west, with Round Hill; and towards the right,
the top of Saddle Mountain, in the distance.
There are also others still further north, particu-
larly Haystack and Bare Mountain. More than
30 church steeples may be counted here.

Holywell, a town of Wales, in Flintshire, with
a market on Friday. It has a neat parish church,
and 4 places of worship for dissenters. From its
vicinity to the mines, and the extensive manufac-
tures carried on in the neighbourhood, it is be
come the most flourishing town in the county,
Its name was derived from the famous well of St.
Winifred, concerning which so many fables
and superstitious notions have prevailed, buxe2x80x98
which is certainly a very remarkable spring,
bursting out of the ground with great impetuosi-
ty, at the foot of a hill, and discharging upwards
of 29 tons of water every minute. The waters
have long since lost their reputation for miracu
lous healing powers, but are much esteemed by
the manufacturer, being now applied to the pur
pose of turning several mills for the working of


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