Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 502
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Milton, ph. Chittenden Co. Vt. on L. Cham-
plain, at the mouth oflhe Lamoil. Pop. 2,100;
p.v. Litchfield Co. Conn. 5 m VV. Litchfield ; ph.
Saratoga Co. N. Y. Pop. 3,079 ; p.v. Ulster and
Cayuga Cos. N. Y. ; also towns and villages in
Morris Co. N. C., Northumberland Co. Pa., Sus-
sex Co Del., Albemarle Co. Va., Rockingham Co.
N. C'., Lawrence Dis. S. C., Wayne Co. Ind., Gal-
Cr Ken., Rutherford and Lincoln Cos. Ten.
and 5 townships in Ohio.

Milton Abbas, or Abbey Milton, a village in Dor-
setshire, Eng.
7 m. S. W. of Blandford. It form-
erly had an abbey, founded by king Athelstan,
but the whole was swept away, except the church
in 1771, by the earl of Dorchester, who erected
on its site a large Gothic mansion. The village,
with its church and almshouse, were built by the
same nobleman.

Mina, a town of Persia, province of Kerman,
surrounded by a wall with towers, and seated on
the Ibrahim, near its entrance into the gulf of
Ormus, 190 m. S. of Kerman. Long. 56. 50. E.,
lat. 26. 40. N.

Mina, ph. Chatauque Co. N. Y. Pop. 1,318.

Minas, a town of S. America, in Buenos Ayres,
seated near the source of the river St. Lucia, 34
m. N. E. of Maldonado. Long. 55. 5. W.,lat. 34.

21. S.

Minasville, ph. Montgomery Co. N. Y.

' Minas Geraes, a province of Brazil, bounded
N. by Bahia, W. by Goiaz, and S. by the Parai-
buna. It extends 600 or 700 m. from N. to S.
nearly the same from E. to W., and contains 390-
000 inhabitants. This vast territory produces
gold and diamonds in abundance ; also iron, anti-
mony, bismuth, platina, chromate of lead, &c.
The soil is likewise rich, producing in the valleys
4 sugar, cotton, Sec.: and in the higher grounds
wheat, and generally all kinds of European

Minch, an arm of the sea, on the W. coast of
Scotland, which separates the Isle of Sky from
Lewis Island.

Minching Hampton, a town of Gloucester-
shire, Eng. with a considerable manufacture of
cloth. It is pleasantly situated on a declivity, 10
m. W. of Cirencester and 98 W. of London

Mincio, a river of Italy, which flows S. from
the lake Garda, forms the lake and marshes that
surround Mantua, and afterward runs into the

Mvmkendorf, a town of Austria, on the Tries-
6 m. E. N. E. of Baden.

Mindanao, an island in the Eastern seas, and
one of the Philippines, about 300 m. long and 108
broad. The coast is indented by numerous bays,
and the interior is intersected by chains of lofty
mountains, with intervening plains that afford
pasture for immense herds of cattle. The sides
of the hills and valleys are stony, and yet there are
xe2x80xa2 tall trees, of kinds unknown in Europe. Some
of the mountains yield very good gold ; and the
valleys are well watered with rivulets. Rice is
produced in abundance; as are also plantains,
cocoa-nuts, sweet potatoes, and all the fruits com-
mon to tropical climates. There are neither lions
nor tigers, but horses, beeves, buffaloes, goats,
hogs, deer. &c., are numerous. The fowls are
ducks, hens, pigeons, parrots, parroquets and tur-
tle-doves, besides many small birds. The inhabi-
tants are generally of a low stature, with little
heads, small black eyes, short noses, and large
mouths. Tbeir hair is black and straight, and
their complexion tawny, but more inclined to yel-
low than that of other Indians. The chief trades
are goldsmiths, blacksmiths, and carpenters, who
can build pretty good vessels. Polygamy is prac-
tised. The government is partly feudal and part-
ly monarchical. The prevailing religion is Ma
homedism, but the Spaniards have been in posses
sion of a large portion of the sea-coast to the W7.,
N. and N. E., where they have planted colonies
of Christians.










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Mindanao, the capital of the above island, and
the residence of the sultan and his court, is about
6 m. up the Pelangy. Opposite stands the town
of Selangan. Long. 124. 40. E., lat. 7. 9. N.

Mindelheim, a town in Bavaria, with a castle
on a mountain, situate between the rivers Iller xe2x80x98ind
Lech, 25 m. S. W. of Augsburg.

Mindcn, a government of the Prussian states
comprising the N. E. part ofthe province of West-
phalia and the former principalities of Minden,
Paderborn, Rittberg, and Corvey, the bailiwic of
Reckeberg, and the lordship of Rheda. It has an
area of 2,000 sq. m. divided into 13 districts, with

330,000 inhabitants. The soil in general is fer
tile, and the pasturage good.

Minden, the capital of the above government
is one of the oldest towns of Germany, and, while
the see of a bishop, formed a petty republic. Its
convenient situation for trade and navigation its
breweries, sugar-houses, and wax manufactures,
are great advantages to the inhabitants. Near
this town prince Ferdinand, of Brunswick, de-
feated the French in 1759. It was occupied in
1806 by the French, and finally ceded to Prussia
in 1814. It is seated on the Weser, 43 m E. of
Osnaburg. Long.
8. 56. E.,lat. 52. 19. N.

Minden, a township of Montgomery Co. N. Y.
Pop. 2,567.

Mindoro, one of the Philippines, separated from
Luconia by a narrow channel. It is mountainous,
and abounds in palm-trees and all sorts of fruits.
The inhabitants are pagans, and pay tribute to
the Spaniards.

Minersvillc, a village in Schuylkill Co. Pa. sur
rounded by extensive coal mines.

Minerva, a township of Essex Co. N. Y. Pop.
358: p.v. Mason Co. Ken.

Minehead, ph. Essex Co. Vt. on the Connecti-
cut. Pop.

Mine Shibboleth, p.v. Washington Co. Missouri,
55 m. S. W. St. Louis. Here is one of the rich
est lead mines in the country.

Minehead, a borough and sea-port in Somerset-
shire, Eng. It has a good harbour on the Bristol
Channel, and carries on a trade in wool, coal, and
herrings. 31 m. N. of Exeter and 160 W. by S.
ofLondon. Long. 3. 34. W., lat. 51. 12. N.

Mingrelia, a country of Asia, bounded W. by the
Black Sea, E. by Imeritia, S. by the river Phasis,
and N. by Georgia. It is governed by a prince
who is tributary to Russia. The face of this
country, its products, and the customs and man-
ners of the inhabitants, are similar to those of

Minho, a river of Spain, which rises in the N
E. part of Galicia, passes by Lugo, Orense, and
Tuy, and dividing Galicia from Portugal, enters
the Atlantic at Caminha.

Mime, a town of Egypt, on the left bank of the
Nile, 90 m. S. of Fayoum.

Minisink, ph. Orange Co. N. Y. on the Dela
ware. Pop. 4,979.

Minorvino, a town of Naples, in Terra di Bari
24 m. W. S. W. of Trani.

Minorca, one of the Balearic islands, lying 50 m


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