Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 585
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many falls and a great number of cotton factories
are situated upon its banks.

Paictuxet,j>.v. in Warwick and Cranston town-
ships R. I. at the mouth of the above river, with
manufactures of woolen and cotton. It is a port
of entry and has some commerce.

Paxton, ph. Worcester Co. Mass. 55 m. W.
Boston. Pop. 597; also townships in Dauphin Co.
Pa. and Ross Co. Ohio.

Paxu, one of the Ionian islands, a little S. of
Corfu, about 15 m. in circumference, inhabited hy
about 6,509 Greeks. It produces wine, oil, and
almonds. Long. 20. 20. E., lat. 39. 21. N.

Payerne, a town of Switzerland, in the canton
of Bern, on the river Broye, 22 m. S. W. of Bern.

Paymogo, a town of Spain, in Andalusia, 42
m. N. by E. of Ayamonte and 73 N. W. of Seville.

Paynesville, p.v. Rockingham Co. N. C.

Pays de Vaud, a canton of Switzerland, extend-
ing along the lake of Geneva, and rising gradual-
ly from the edge of that lake. It is richly laid
out in vineyards, corn-fields, and meadows, and
chequered with many villages and towns. Lau-
sanne is the capital.

Paz, La, a city of Buenos Ayres, capital pf a
district of its name, and a bishop's see. Besides
the cathedral, it contains four churches, an hospi-
tal, a college, and several convents. It is seated
at the foot of a mountain, in a valley abounding
in wine and fruits. 22*3 m. N. W. of Plata. Long.
G3. 50. W., lat. 17. 0. S.

Pazzy, a town of Romania, and a bishop’* see,
8 m. S. AV. of Gallipoli.

Peacham, ph. Caledonia Co. Vt. Pop. 1,351.

Peach Bottom, p. IfcYork Co. Pa.

Peac.htown, a village of Tompkins Co. N. Y.

Peak, a mountainous tract in the N. W. part of
Derbyshire, Eng. which abounds in lead, iron,
millstones, marble, alabaster, coal, and a coarse
sort of crystals. It is much visited on account of
its extraordinary caverns and other curiosities.
The “ Wonders of the Peak,” which have been
celebrated both in prose and verse, are noticed in
this work under the articles
Buxton, Castleton,
and Tideswell.

Peaks of Otter, a portion of the Blue ridge of
mountains in Virginia, being the highest summits
in the state. They are 3,103 feet in height.

Pca-Patch. a small island in the Delaware, a
little above the mouth of the canal. Fort Dela-
ware up-on
this island, commands the passage up
the river.

Pearlimgton. p.v. Hancock Co. Miss.

Pearl Islands, islands lying in the bay of Pan-
ama. The inhabitants of Panama have planta-
tions on them.

Pearl River. a navigable river of the state of
Mississtnpi, which after flowing through a fer-
tile territ ny. falls into Lake Borgne, a little E. of
Lake PostehartraLn.

Pease, a vswnskin of Belmont Co. Ohio.

Pechlam a town of Austria, on the right bank
of the Dannbe. The river is very wide; and
here the Ronrtns. who called it Praeclara, had
a harbour for their savy. 14 m. W. of St. Polten.

Pedee. a narigatfixc2xae rircr of the United States,
which rises in X. Cacolma, and is there called
Yadkin River : oa entering S. Carolina, it takes
the name of Pedee. aad flows into Winyaw Bay
at Georgetown.

Pedena, a town of Austrian Illyria, in Istria, 25
m. S. E. of Capo d’lstria.

Pedernirea, a town of Porta gal, in Estremadu
la, on the sea-coast. 33 m. S.
W. of Leiria.
















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Pedir, a town of Sumatra, on the N. coast, 40
m. E. S. E. of Acheen. Long. 96. 36. E., lat. 5.

22. N.

Pedraza, a town of Spain, in Old Castile, witli
a castle, in which the two sons of Francis I.
were confined. It was the birth-place of the em-
peror Tfajan. 25 m. N. E. of Segovia.

Pedro Point, the most northern point of the is.
and of Ceylon, opposite Point Calymere on the
continent of Hindoostan. Long. 80. 27. E., lat.
9.52. N.

Pedro, St., one of the islands in the Pacific
Ocean called Marquesas. Long. 138. 51. W.,
lat. 9. 58. S.xe2x80x94Also the name of a large river of
Mexico, which runs into the Rio del Norte, on
the borders of Cohahuila ;xe2x80x94a river of Brazil
which falls into the Atlantic;xe2x80x94and several in-
considerable settlements in S. America, consist-
ing only of a few scattered families of Indians.

Peebles, a borough of Scotland, capital of Pee-
blesshire, seated on the Tweed, over which is
an elegant bridge. It is divided by Eddlestone
Water in the Old and New Town, has manufac-
tures of carpets and serges, and is noted for its ex-
cellent ale. On a projecting rock near the Tweed,
stands Nidpath Castle ; and on an eminence on
the E. stands Horsehurg Castle. It is 22 m.
S. of Edinburgh. Long. 3. 7. W.,lat. 55. 40. N.

Peeblesshire, a county of Scotland, 30 m. long
and 12 broad ; bounded N. hy Edinburghshire, E.
by Selkirkshire, S. by Dumfriesshire, and W. by
Lanarkshire. It is divided into 16 parishes, con-
taining 10,C46 inhabitants. Its hills, among which
are those of Tweedsmuir, abound with salubrious
springs, and feed numbers of sheep and cattle.
The principal rivers are the Tweed and Lyne;
the former runs through the county, whence it
is sometimes called Tweedale.

Pee Pee, a township of Pike Co. Ohio.

PeekskiU, ph. Westchester Co. N. Y. on the
Hudson. 50 m. N. New York.

Peel, a town on the W. coast of the Isle of Man,
situate on a spacious bay. At the S. extremity
of the bay is Peel Isle, a rock of great magnitude
and height, on the summit of which is a castle,
and the dilapidated cathedra] of the isle, dedicat-
ed to St. Germain, the first bishop, who lived in
the fifth century. The town is much decayed
and the inhabitants are indolent and poor.
m. W. of Douglas. Long. 4. 40. AV., lat 54.

13. N.

Peeling, ph. Grafton Co. N. H. Pop. 291

Peene, a river of Germany, which rises out of
some lakes in Mecklenburg, flows through Hi-
ther Pomerania to the western branch of the Oder
which is thence called Peene, and runs by Wol-
gast into the Baltic Sea, at Peenemunde.

Ptenemunde, a town and fort of Prussian
Pomerania, in the isle of Usedom, and the resi
dence of the governor of the island. It commands
the entrance and mouth ofthe Peene, near which
it stands.
6 m. N. by E. of Wolgast. Long. 13. 55.
E., lat. 54.
8. N.

Peer, a town of the Netherlands, in the prov
ince of Limburg, 24 m. N. N. W. of Maestricht.

Pegau, a town of Saxony, on the Elster, 10 m.
S. S. W. of Leipzig.

Pegau, a town of the Austrian slates, in Stiria,
near which are considerable lead mines. It is
seated near the Meur, 9 m. N. N. W. of Gratz.

Pegna de Franeia, a town of Spain, in Leonr27
m. S. S. E. Ciudad Rodrigo.

Pegnafiel, a town of Spain, in Leon, with a
palace, and a strong castle. It is seated at ths


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