Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 639
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which support it, were formed out of tlxc2xbb spoils of
the Pantheon, which, after nearly 2,000 years, has
still a probability of outliving its proud and capa-
cious rival. Its height is 150 feet, and its width
nearly the same. There are no pillars to support
the roof, which is constructed in the manner of a
cupola; neither has it any windows, a sufficiency
of light being admitted through a central opening
in the dome. As the Pantheon is the most entire,
the amphitheatre of Vespasian is the most stu-
pendous monument of antiquity in Rome. About
one-half of the external circuit still remains, from
which a pretty exact idea may be formed of the
original structure, and by computation it could
contain 85,000 spectators. But the antiquities of
Rome are too numerous to be minutely described ;
so that the ancient Forum, now a cow-market,
the beautiful column of Trajan,&c., must be pass-
ed over. The Cainpidoglio, built by Michtel
Angelo, is a beautiful structure, standing on the
site of the ancient Capitol, so iong the centre of
the empire of the woVld. The body of this pal-
ace is the residence of'the Senators of Rome, and
the wings are inhabited by the conservators of
the city. The pope has three superb palaces, of
which the principal is the Vatican, near St. Pe-
ter’s church. The library of this palace is the
largest and most complete in the world ; rich, es-
pecially in MSS., in ail languages.and of all ages.
In Rome the connoisseur will meet with innu-
merable paintings by tbe greatest masters, and
with the finest works of sculpture. &c. Besides
the university, which consists of several noble
colleges, there are numerous academies and lite-
rary societies. The castle of St. Angelo serves
more to keep the city in awe than to repel any
foreign attack.




Rome was formerly the metropolis of one of the
greatest empires that have ever existed, and may
be regarded as the parent of all the cities, the
arts, and states of modern Europe. The ancient
Romans were governed by seven kings, for about
220 years. During the next 488 years, they were
governed by consuls, tribunes, decemvirs, and
dictators, in their turns. They were afterwards
governed by 60 emperors, for the space of 518
years. Their wars with the Carthaginians, Span-
iards, Gauls, Mithridates of Pontus, Parthians,
and Jews, were the most noted. The Roman
empire was afterwards much distracted by various
commotions, and in 410 Rome was taken and
burnt. In Mav, 1527. Rome was invested by the
army of the emperor Charles V.; and the general,
to prevent a ran tin v. promised to enrich them
with the Sa'dis of this opulent citv. The general,
however, wa* himself killed, as he was plantinor
a scaling ladder against the walls ; but his sol-
diers, not c:sr-nraged by his death, mounted to
the assault tbe utmost valor, and, enterin*
the city, exercised a'l those brutalities that may
be expected from ferociiv aggravated bv resist-
ance. In tbe wars which attended the French
revolution. Rome was again a considerable suf-
ferer. Large contributions, and severe military
exactions, were drawn from the inhabitants ; and
a great number -f the most valuable statues and
paintings wer? sent <- tf to Paris. The pope was
finally restored in 1"! 4. See
Popedom. Rome
is 110 m. X. W. of Naples. 410 S. S. W. of Vien-
na, and 600 S. E. of Paris. Long. 12. 29. E., lat.
41. 54. N.

Rome, a township of Kennebec Co. Me. 22 m.
iv. Augusta. Pop. 883; p.t. Oneida Co. N. Y. Ill
m. W. Albany. Pop. 4,360. It is pleasantly sit-
uated half a mile from the Erie Canal;
p.v. A&h
tabula, Lawrence and Athens Cos. Ohio;
Perry Co. Ind.

Romenaij, a town of France, department of
Saone-et-Loire, 15 m. N. N. E. of Macon.

Romerstadt, a town of Moravia, in the neigh-
bourhood of which are some iron mines. 20 m
N. N. E. of Olmutz.

Romhild, a town of Germany, in the duchy of
Saxe-Meinungen, with a castle, 13 m. S. of Mei-

Romkala, a town of Syria, with the remains cf
an ancient and strong castle, and two churches.
It is seated on the Euphrates, at the influx of the
Simeren, and is used by the Turks as a place of
banishment for great men in disgrace. 85 m. N.
N. E. of Aleppo.

Romna, a town of Russia, in the government of
Tchernigof, 88 m. E. S. E. of Tchernigof.

Romnctj, p.v. Hampshire Co. Va. on the Poto-
mac 50 in. W. Winchester; t. Kent. Co. U. C.

Romney, New. a borough in Kent, Eng. It is
one of the cinque-ports, and once contained five
churches and a priory ; but, since the sea vns re-
tired, it is much reduced. About a mile to the
W. is Old Romney, the original port, which is
now a small place. 22 m. S. W. of Dover and
71 S. E. of London.

Romnty Marsh, a tract in the most southern
partof Kent, Eng. between Dungeness and Rye-
haven. defended from the sea by a strong embank-
ment. called Dvmchurch Wall. It is 20 m. Jong
and eight broad, containing about 50,000 acres of
firm land, and some of the richest pastures in
England. Vast flocks of sheep and herds of cat-
tle are fattened here for the London market.

Romont. a town of Switzerland, in the canton
of Friburg. seated on a mountain, 10 m. N. W. of

Romorenlin, a town of France, in the depart-
ment of Loire-et-Cher, with a castle, and manu-
factures of serges and cloths; seated on the Sau-
dre, 26 m. S. E. of Blois and 40 S. by AV. of

Romsdal, a town of Norway, capital of a prov-
ince in the government of Drontheim, 100 m. S.
W. of Drontheim. Long. 7. 54. E., lat. 62.

28. N.

Romsey, a town in Hampshire, Eng. It has a
manufacture of shalloons, and several paper mills ;
and is seated on the Andover canal and the river
Test, 8 m. N.-W. of Southampton and 73 W. by
S. of London.

Romulus, ph. Seneca Co. N. Y. 204 m. W. Al-
bany on Seneca Lake. Pop. 2.089.

Ronaldshay, North ard South, two small islands
of the Orkneys.

Ronay, one of the Hebrides, situate between
the Isle of Sky and the mainland.

RonceraUes, a town of Spain, in Navarre,
situate in a valiey to which it gives name, 14 m.
N. N. E. of Pamplona.

Ronciglione, a town of Italy, in the states of the
church, with a fortified castle. It is seated on the
Tereia, near a lake of the same name, 28 m. N.
N. W. of Rome. Long. 12. 32. E., lat. 42.18. N.

Ronda, a strong town of Spain, in Granada,
with a castle ; situate on a craggy rock, near the
river Guadiaro, 43 m. N. by E. of Gibraltar.

Roney's Point, p.v. Ohio Co. Va.

Ronne, a sea-port of Denmark, in the island of
Bornholm, and the residence of the governor.
The harbour is fortified, but not deep. Long 14

55. E., lat. 55. 10. N.


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