Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 650 Right Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 650 Right Column
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Salm, Luxemburg, Netherlands (main entry)
    Liege (directional)
    Luxemburg (directional)
Salm, Meurte, France (main entry)
    Sarre River
    Luneville (directional)
Salmon Creek (main entry)
    New York, United States
    Lake Ontario
    St. Lawrence River
Salmon Falls River (main entry)
    Piscataqua River
    Maine, United States
    New Hampshire, United States
Salmunster, Fulda, Germany (main entry)
    Kinz River
    Fulda (directional)
Salo, Brescian, Austrian Italy (main entry)
    Garda (Lake)
    Brescia (directional)
Salobrena, Granada, Spain (main entry)
    Almunecar (directional)
    Granada (directional)
Salon, Bouches-du-Rhône, France (main entry)
    Canal of Craponne
    Aix (directional)
Salona, Austrian Dalmatia (main entry)
    Gulf of Venice
    Spalatro (directional)
Salone, Livadia, Greece (main entry)
    Lepanto (directional)
Salonica, Macedonia, Greece (main entry)
    Thessalonica (synonym for Salonica, Macedonia, Greece)
    Constantinople (directional)
Salpe, Capitanata, Naples (main entry)
    Manfredonia (directional)
    Naples (directional)
Salse, Pyrénées-Orientales, France (main entry)
    Leucate (Lake)
    Perpignan (directional)
Salsette (Island), Hindoostan (main entry)
    Tanna, Salsette (Island), Hindoostan
Salt Creek, Muskingum County, Ohio, United States (main entry)
    Salt Creek, Hocking County, Ohio, United States
    Salt Creek, Pickaway County, Ohio, United States
Salt River (main entry)
    Kentucky, United States
    Ohio, United States
    Louisville (directional)
    Missouri River
    Mississippi River
    St. Louis (directional)
Salta, Tucuman (main entry)
    St. Jago del estero (directional)
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