Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 783
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WIN    783    WIN


mous for its fine char, and abundance of trout,
perch, pike, and eel. Its principal feeders are the
rivers Rothay and Brathay, and its outlet the ri-
ver Leven. This lake is intersected by several
promontories, and spotted with islands. Among
these, the Holme, or Great Island, an oblong
tract of 30 acres, crosses the lake in an oblong
line, surrounded by a number of inferior isles,
finely wooded.

{kind Gup, p.v. Northampton Co. Pa.

I Vi. nd ham, a county of Vermont. Pop. 28,758
Newfane is the capital; a county of Connecticut.
Pop. 20,077. Brooklyn is the capital.

Windham, p.v. Cumberland Co. Me.; ph. Rock-
ingham Co. N. II. Pop. 1,006: p.v. Windham
Co. Vt. Pop. 84 ; ph. Windham Co. Conn. Pop.
2,812; ph.. Green Co. N. Y. Pop. 3,472; p.v.
Portage Co Ohio. 148 m. N. E. Columbus. Pop.

Wind.lingen, a town of the kingdom of Wur-
ternberg, seated on the Lauter, 12 in. S. E. of

Windshach, a town and castle of Germany, in
the district of Anspaeh, on the Rednitz, 10 m. S.
E. of Anspaeh.

Windsheim, a town of Germany, in Bavaria,
surrounded with ramparts which serve for a prom-
enade. It is seated on the Aisch, 30 m.
S. E. of Wurtzburg and 32 S. S. W. of Bam-

Windsor, a borough in Berkshire, Eng. seated
on an eminence, on the Thames, with a market
on Saturday. It has been a royal demesne ever
since the time of AVilliam the Conqueror, who
received n from the hands of the abbot of West-
minster, in exchange for lands in Essex. The
picturesque beauty of its scenery, its noble forest,
and the interesting historical associations connect-
ed with the vicinity, all combine to confer upon
it peculiar attractions; but it owes its chief cele-
brity to its magnificent castle, the favorite resi-
dence of a long line of kings. This castle stands
upon a high hill, which rises from the town by
a gentle ascent; and its fine terrace, faced with
a rampart of free-stone, 1,870 feet, in length, is
one of the noblest walks in Europe, with respect
to strength, grandeur, and prospects. It was built
originally by William the Conqueror, and enlarg-
ed by Henrv 1. Edward III. (who was born in
it) caused the greater part of the edifice to be ta-
ken down and rebniLt in its present form. Great
additions were made to it by Edward IV., Henry
VIE, Henry VIII., and Elizabeth. Charles II.
enlarged the windows and made them regular,
furnished the royal apartments with paintings,
enlarged the terrace walk on. the N. side, and
carried it round the E. and S. sides. After the
recession of the present house of Brunswick,
and in particular during the reign of George III.
splendid improvements were made; and under
his late majesty George IV., it assumed its pres-
ent grand and magnificent appearance. The cas-
tle is divided into two large courts, separated
from each other by the round tower allotted for
the residence of the governor. On the N. side
of the upper courts are the state apartments, on
the E. the private apartments of his late majesty,
and on the S. the suite of rooms set apart for the
officers of state. In the centre of the court is ar.
statue of Charles II. The royal apart-
ments are adorned with a splendid collection of
paintings, chiefly formed
by the late king, and
the royal chapel is embelleshed with a variety of
superb carvings, by the celebrated Gibbons In















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the lower ward of the castle is St. George’s chap
el, an elegant and highly finished structure, of
pointed architecture, began by Edward III, in
1737, in honer of the order of the greater. On
the S. side of the town is the great park, which
is 14 m. in circumference. From that part of the
castle called the round tower, the eye embraces
one of the most noble and extensive prospects in
in England ; for not fewer than 12 counties may
be discerned with the naked eye; while the land-
scape presents every combination of picturesque
beauty. Windsor is 22 m. W. London.

Windsor, a county of Vermont. Pop. 40,632.
Windsor is the capital.

Windsor, ph. Windsor Co. Vt. on the Connec-
ticut 61 m. S. Montpelier, and 112 N. W. Bos-
ton. It has a handsome thriving town with con
siderable trade. Pop. 3,134; ph. Kennebec Co
Me. Pop. 1,845 ; ph. Berkshire Co. Mass. 120 m
W. Boston. Pop. 1,042; p.t. Hartford Co. Conn
7 m. N. Hartford. Pop. 3.220; ph. Browne Co
N. Y. Pop. 2,175; ph. York Co. Pa. Bertie Co.
N. E. and Ashtabula Co. Ohio.

Windsor Forest, a forest in the E. part of Berk-
shire. 50 miles in circumference. Though the
soil is generally barren and uncultivated, it is
finely diversified by hills and dales, woods ana
lawns, and delightful villas. It contains several
towns and villages, of which Oakingham is the

Windward Islands, such of the Caribbee islands
in the W. Indies as commence at Martinico and
extend to Tobago.

Windtcard Passage, the strait between Point
Maizi, the E. end of the island of Cuba, and Cape
St. Nicholas, the N. W. extremity of St. Domin

Winfield, p.v. Herkimer Co. N. Y. 91 m. N. W
Alban;*. Pop. 1.778.

Windliall, ph. Bennington Co. Vt. Pop. 571.

Winnend, a town and Castle of Wurtemberg, 12
m. E. N. E. Stuttgard.

IVinnicza, a town of Austrian Poland, with a
castle ; seated on the river Bog, 35 m. N. of

Winnipeg, a lake of Upper Canada, N. W. lake
Superior. It. is 240 m. long and from 50 to 100
broad, and exhibits a body of water next in size to
Lake Superior. It receives the waters of several
small lakes in every direction, and contains a
number of small islands. The lands on its banks ?
produce vast quantities of wild rice, and the su-
gar-tree in great plenty.

W'mipisfozee, r. N. H., which runs from lake
Winnipiseogee into the Merrimack, S. of the San-
born ton.

Win'piscogee, a lake of N. Hampshire in Straf-
ford Co., surrounded by the townships of Centre
harbour, Moultonborough, Tuftonborougli, Wolfs-
borouoh. Alton, Guilford, and Meredith. Long.
71. 5. to'71. 25. Wxe2x80x9e lat. 43. 29. to 43. 44. N. It is
about 23 m. long, from S. E. to N. W., and about
10, where widest broad. It receives the waters
of several small streams, but is supplied chiefly
by subjacent springs, and its waters are conveyed
off by the river Winipiseogee, which joins the
western branch of the Merrimack, at the S. W
corner of Sanborn ton, opposite Salisbury, near
Webster’s falls. It is 472 feet above the level
the ocean, and 232 above the Merrimack, at the
junction of their waters ; and in some places it is
unfathomable by any means in the possifesion
the inhabitants. It abounds in fish, and its wa
ters are remarkably pure, but little, if at all info


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