The preparation qf a Gazetteer ol New England, worthy the patronage of its enlightened citizens, is no easy task : those only who have attempted it can form a just conception of its difficulties. Long and wearisome journeys must be performed; hundreds of volumes and local histories must be consulted, and thousands of letters must be written.
Although a kind Providence has blessed the editor with health, and with numerous friehdsTm all parfT^oWNew England; yet, after a long period of devotedness, he is mortified that his work is not more complete.
It will be perceived that there are many towns, particularly in the eastern section of New England, whose names are merely mentioned; and that notices of others, in many cases, are exceedingly deficient. Had our means permitted, fair representations of the character and resources of those towns might have promoted individual and public interests; and enhanced the value of our volume. There are lakes and rivers in the northern and eastern parts of New England, whose beauty, volume of water, and hydraulic power, might vie with the Winnepisiogee and Mer¬ rimack ; but whose locations and even names are but indistinctly known.
But we have the consolation to believe that a Gazetteer of New Eng¬ land, perfect in all its parts, is rather desired than expected. Our coun¬ try is new: large portions of the territory of the New England States, are yet a wilderness, and new counties and towns are very frequently constituted.
The progress of agricultural science, and of the mechanic arts; the advancement of commerce, both at home and abroad, and the increasing success of the fisheries, united with the determination of the people of New England to connect the trade of the western oceans with their Atlantic borders, by roads of iron, which frosts cannot impede, are so great and strong, that the most devoted geographical and statistical writers must be satisfied with following at a distance, rather than keeping pace with the rapid car of improvement in New England.
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