Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 22
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Abbot, Me.

Piscataquis co. This town lies
76 miles N. by E. from Augusta,
130 N. by E. from Portland, and
about 40 N. N. E. from Norridge-
wock. It is hounded N. by Mon-
son, E. by Guilford and S. by Park-
man. The Piscataquis river passes
nearly through its centre. It was
incorporated in 1827. Population,
1837, 649.

Abington, Mass.

Plymouth co. This town is on
the high land between Massachu-
setts and Narraganset bays. Three
rivers rise here, two of which emp-
ty into the Taunton, the other into
the North. It lies 19 miles S. S. E.
from Boston, 22 N. W. from Plym-
outh, 18 N N. E. from Taunton,
and 8 S. of Weymouth landing.
This town is noted for its manufac-
tures of boots, shoes, and tacks. The
total value of its manufactures, in
one year, was $847,294, of which
the amount of $82,000 was for tacks,
and $746,794 for boots and shoes.
There were 847 males and 470 fe-
males employed in the manufacture
of the latter. Population, 1837,
3,057. This town was incorporated
in 1712. Its Indian name was

. Aeoakset River,

Rises on the border of the town
of Fall River, and meets an arm of
Buzzard’s bay, at Westport, 12 miles
S. W. of New Bedford, Mass.

Acton, Me,

An interior town, in the county
of York, recently taken from Shap-
leigh. It lies near the head waters
of Salmon river, by which it is di-
vided, on the W., from New-Hamp-
shire. It is 107 miles S. W. from
Augusta, and 15 W. from Alfred.
Population, 1837, 1409.

Acton, Vt.

Windham co. This town was
first settled in 1781, and in 1782
it was incorporated. It has some
fine brooks, but no important mill
streams. It lies about 15 miles N.
of Newfane, and about 90 S. of
Montpelier. Population 1830,176.

Acton, Mass.

Middlesex cow This is a pleas-
ant farming town of good soil. The
Assabet river passes through it. It
is 5 miles N.
M0-. by W. of Concord,
and 21 N. W$of Boston. Incorpo-
rated 1735. 'Population 1837,1071.

Acwortb, N. II.

Sullivan co. This town is chiefly
agricultural in its pursuits. The
soil is generally good. Cold river,
which rises from Cold pond in this
town, affords some good mill seats.
This town was formerly noted for
the culture of flax, which was man-
ufactured by some of the inhabitants
into the finest linen, equal to any
imported from Ireland. The town
was settled in 1768, and incorporat-
ed in 1771. Population 1830,1401.


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