Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 50
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ware about the country, on foot, in
baskets; his successors in the man-
ufacture did the same, until the uses
and value of the article becoming
known, and the demand increasing,
horses and wagons were employed ;
and thus this important manufac-
ture of New England was trans-
ported to all parts of the country.

Beru.ard.st02a, Mass.

Franklin co.' This is a township
of superior land for agricultural
purposes, considerably elevated, be-
tween Fall and Connecticut rivers.
It was formerly called
Fall Town.
There was a fort here in 1746,
when this part of the county was
peopled mostly by Indians. It was
incorporated, by its present name,
in 1764. It lies 96 miles W.by N.
from Boston, and 7 N. from Green-
field. Population, 1337, S7S. Bald
and West mountains afford delight-
ful seenery:—the former is 630 feet
above the waters of the Connecti-
cut. Here are springs containing
magnesia, sulphur and iron. Ber-
nardston produced, in one year,-

16.000 bushels of corn and rye, and

5.000 barrels of cider. There are
3,022 sheep in this town, and some
manufactures of shoes,leather,palm-
leaf hats, and scythe snaiths.

Berwick, Me.

York co. This town lies on the
E. side of Salmon river, about 14
miles S. S. W. from Alfred, 45 S.
W. from Portland, and 98 S. W.
from Augusta. Berwick has con-
siderable trade in lumber. Incor-
porated, 1713. Population, 1837,

Bethany, Ct.

New Haven co. Taken from
Woodbridge, in 1832. It lies 10
miles N. by W. from New Ha-
ven. Some portions of this town
is good land and well cultivated,
but a large part of it is mountain-
ous i^and fit only for the growth of
wood. Beacon mountain, between

Bethany and Naugatuck river, pre-
sents some wild and picturesque

Bethel, Me.

Oxford co. Incorporated in 1796.
Population, 1837, 1,864. Bethel
lies 18 miles N. W. from Paris, 61
N. W. from Portland, and 63 W.
from Augusta. This town is bound-
ed N. and W. by Androscoggin riv-
er, and S. by Greenwood. This is
a fine farming town, and produced
5,214 bushels of wheat in 1837.

Bethel, Vt.

Windsor co. This town was first
settled in 178#, and was the first
town chartered by the government
of Vermont. It lies 31 miles S. by
W. from Montpelier, and 30 N. W.
from Windsor. Population, 1830,
1,240. Bethel is watered by
branches of White river, and pos-
sesses good mill sites. Soap stone
is found here in great quantities
and of good quality: much of it is
sawed and transported. Garnet in
small, but perfect crystals, is also
common. The surface of Bethel is
broken and mountainous, but the
soil is warm and good for grazing.
It has about 8,000 sheep. Consid-
erable business is done at both vil-
East and West; the latter
is the largest.

Bethel, Ct.

Fairfield co. This is a pleasant
and flourishing village, in the town
of Danbury, and about 3 miles N.
W. from the centre of that town.
There are about fifty dwelling hous-
es in the village, and about thirty
work shops or factories. The man-
ufacture of hats and combs is the
principal business of the plaee, and
large quantities of both are annu-
ally transported to Boston, New
York and other places.

Bethlehem, Nf. H.,

Grafton co., is hounded N. by
Whitefield and Daltofi, E. by Car-


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