Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 59
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ty. Here are viewed the hallowed halls of Harvard, and the sacred
field of Bunker. On the south the county of Norfolk appears, with its
granite hills and luxuriant vales, chequered with a thousand farm houses,
cottages, and splendid mansions. On the east,*the city, with its lofty
spires, the harbor and the ocean, all conspire to render this the most en-
chanting scene west of the Bay of Naples.

The .Massachusetts Hospital is on an open plot of ground of 4 acres,
at the western part of the city, on the bank* of Charles river.. It is 168
feet in length, and 54 in breadth. Commenced in 1818, completed in
1821. This building is of granite, and is a beautiful monument of taste
and beneficence.

Faneuil Hall Market. The corner stone of this superb granite
building was laid on the 27th of April 1825, and completed in 1827. Cost,
$150,000, exclusive of land. It extends east of Faneuil Hall, on Dock
square, 536 feet, and is 50 feet in width. The centre part of. the build-
ing, 74 by 55, projects two or three feet on the north and south, and rises
77 feet from the ground, to a beautiful dome. The wings are 31 feet,
and two stories high. The lower floor is exclusively appropriated as a
meat, fish and vegetable market. The upper story is one vast hall, ar-
ranged to be divideil into compartments for ware-rooms and large sales.
On the sides of this building are
North Market street, 65, and South
Market street,
102 feet in width; on each of which is a range of spa-
cious ware-houses, with granite fronts. On the east, across Commercial
street, is a commodious wharf, belonging to the city. The hall, in the
centre of the^building is called
Quincy Hall, in honor of Josiah Quincy,
L.L. D., the late indefatigable mayor of the city, and now president of
Harvard University.

Tremont House. This superb hotel, on Tremont and Beacon streets,
was commenced on the 4th of July, 1828, and completed 16th ofiOctober,

1829. Its granite front on Tremont street is 160 feet, and 3 stories high.
The wings are four stories high; that on Beacon street is 84 by 34 feet;
and that on the south, fronting an open square, is
110 by 40 feet. This
building contains 180 rooms. The dining ball is 70 by 31, and 14 feet
high. Cost, $
68,000, without the land.

New Court House. The corner stone of this building, in Court
square, between Court and School stre.ets, for the accommodation of all
the courts of law for the county, city, and the United States, offices of
record, &c., was laid Sept. 28, 1833. It is of cut, or hewn granite, from
the Quincy quarry. Its length is 175 feet 10 inches;—width, 53 feet
10 inches, and height 57 feet 3 inches. A portico of nearly the same
model of the Doric portico at Athens, adorns its north and south fronts.
There are four columns of fluted granite at each of these porticos, meas-


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