Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 61
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implements are provided for their convenience and use. A printing
press is established, and several books have been printed in embossed
letters, which are superior to any in Europe. It is exceedingly delight-
ful to see these interesting youth, whose lives once seemed a dreary
waste, and to witness their improvement in acquiring useful knowledge,
partaking of all those recreations, natural and proper for their age, sex,
and condition, and fitting themselves for useful stations in society. The
Institution is managed by a board of trustees, and is patronized by the
governments of all the New England States.

Eye and Ear Infirmary.

This Institution was commenced in Boston, by Drs. Jeffries and Rey-
nolds, in 1824, frdm a conviction of its utility and importance, derived
from what they had seen and known of similar establishments in Europe.
Those gentlemen conducted the establishment at their own expense for
some time, during which large numbers received the most important
benefits. In 1827, by the philanthropic exertions of those, and other
gentlemen, an act of incorporation was obtained, and some funds were
raised. As early as 1828, 2^610 cases were treated at the Infirmary, of
which about fute-sixths were cured. Of these cases about one-sixth
were for diseases of the ear. Since that time the number of applicants
has increased annually; and this Institution, whose merits are not sur-
passed by any other in the city, has now a beautiful and commodious
building in Bowdoin square for the reception of patients.


The Boston Theatre, on Federal and Franklin streets, was first open-
ed February 3, 1794. It was burnt, February
2, 1798; it was re-built,
and re-opened on the 29th of October, the same year. It is of brick, 152
feet long, 61 wide, and 40 high. This building is now denominated
“ The Odeon,” and is consecrated to the worship of God. A huge wood-
en building was erected on Tremont street, and opened as the “ Hay-
Market Theatre,” December 26, 1796. The citizens in its neighbor-
hood being fearful of its conflagration, caused its demolition, by subscrip-
tion, and the block of elegant brick dwelling-houses, near, and north of
Boylston street, now occupy the spot.

The Tremont Theatre, on Tremont street, is a very neat building,
with a granite front 135 feet by 79. It was commenced in July, and
opened September 24, 1827. Cost, ahout $

The National Theatre, at the junction of Portland and Traverse
streets, near the Warren bridge, was constructed in 1831. This build-
ing was first used for equestrian performances.


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