Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 69
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ing trade than any other port in the United States; but the great arteries
to an immense, wide-spread and rapidly increasing interior commerce
were never opened until the rail-roads to the north, the west, the south,
and the east were constructed and in operation. By these devices of hu-
man wisdom, and hy the continuance of the two former—crossing the wa-
ters of our own Connecticut to the noble Hudson, and piercing the cen-
tre of a large and fertile country, to the outlet of the great western
oceans on the banks of the St. Lawrence, Boston, with its enterprize and
wealth, located 160 miles nearer the British capital than New York, can-
not fail of sustaining a fair and successful competition for this trade with
any city on the American continent.

Motto of the City.

Sicut patribus sit JDeus nobis.

As God was with our fathers, so may he be
with us.

Bow, N. H.,

Merrimack euTT'-wvas originally
laid out nine miles square,' hompr^
hending a great portion of the ter-
ritory now constituting Pembroke
and Concord. It is bounded N. E.
hy Merrimack river, which divides
it from Pembroke, S. E. hy Hook-
sett, S. W. by Dunbarton, N. W.
by Concord and a part of Hopkin-
ton. The soil is very uneven and
hard, but productive when well
managed. There is but one pond
of any size, called Turee pond.
Turkey river empties into the Mer-
rimack at Turkey falls, near the N.
E. part of Bow. About a mile be-
low are Garven’s falls, now passable
by locks on Bow side. Bow canal
is situated on the Merrimack, 3
miles below Concord; the perpen-
dicular measurement around which
it is carried is 25 feet—its length
1-3 of a mile. It passes through
a ledge of granite, and is for the
most part imperishable. Its cost
was {§13,860 ; and about $2,000 of
its first income were appropriated
towards clearing channels through
Turkey falls, &c. Pop. 1830,1,065^

Samuel Welch, the oldest native
citizen of _Na
w Hampshire, died in
Bow on the 5th of ApriI7 T823, at
the age of 113 years. He was born
at Kingston, Sept.
1st, 1710, where
he spent the early part of his life;
he lived subsequently a while at
Pembroke; but for 50 years preced-
ing his death he resided at Bow,
in an obscure corner, and steadily
cultivated his little farm, till the
frosts of a century had whitened
his locks, and the chills of a hun-
dred winters had benumbed his
frame. His life was marked by no
extraordinary vicissitude—he was
never in battle, or in any public
service ; he was a man of industry
and temperance.

Bowback Mountain.

See Stratford, «7V*. II.

Bowdoin, Me.

Lincoln co. This agricultural
township is bounded on the S. E.
by Bowdoinham, and S. by Tops-
ham. It was incorporated in 1788,
and lies 17 miles W. from Wiscas-
set, 37 N. N. E. from Portland, and


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