Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 71
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in width. Near the Sunapee moun-
tains, on the N. W.,is an extensive
plain, more than a mile long and
about half a mile wide. The soil
differs in quality. It is light, loamy
or rough. In the easterly part are
valuable stone quarries. Bradford
was granted to John Peirce and
George Jaffrey, in 1765. Its first
settlement was made in 1771, by
Dea. William Presbury and his
family. They were soon followed
by several inhabitants from Brad-
ford in Mass., from which circum-
stance it derived its name. It was
incorporated Sept. 27, 1787, and is
mentioned in the act as including
New Bradford, Washington Gore,
and part of Washington. Popula-
tion in 1830, 1,285.

Bradford, Vt. ’

Orange co. This town lies on
the W. side of Connecticut river,
25 miles S. E. from Montpelier, 7
St. from NewburyTTEnd 15 E. N. E.
from Chelsea. Population, 1830,
1,507. Bradford is a pleasant farm-
ing town, of good soil, and is well
watered by Wait’s river. About

4,500 sheep.

Bradford, Mass.

Essex co. This is a very pleasant
town on the south side of Merrimack
river, and united to Haverhill by a
bridge of 650 feet in length. The
surface of the town is uneven and
the soil various; hut much of the
land is of a superior quality. Sev-
eral of the hills exhibit beautiful
scenery. Bradford is celebrated for
its excellent schools and seminaries
of learning. Here are several ponds,
good fishing, and a pleasant stream
of water. Some bricks are made
here, and considerable leather tan-
ned ; but the principal manufacture
of the place is of boots and shoes, of
which,during the year ending April

1,1837, the value of $381,748 was
made. Total amount of manufactures
that year,$394,448. Hands employ-
ed, 1,096. Incorporated, 1675. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 2275. This town lies
28 miles N. from Boston,
10 W. S.
W. from Newburyport, 18 N. by W.
from Salem, and about 18 miles N.
E. from Lowell. A branch of the
Boston and Lowell rail-road passes
through Bradford to Haverhill.

Bradley, Me.

Penobscot co. First settled, 1796.
Incorporated, 1835. Population,
1837, 338. See
Barnard, Me.

Bradley vale, Vt.,

An unincorporated township in
Caledonia county, chartered in 1791,
containing about 4000 acres. Moose
river passes through it. It is bound-
ed on the west by Kirby. Most of
the land is on a mountain. It never
had more than
21 inhabitants.

Braintree, Vt.

Orange co. This is a good farm-
ing town,and produces considerable
butter, cheesn, beef aaeUpQrk. It
21 miles S. from Montpelier,
and 14 W. by S. from Chelsea. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 1209. Branches of
White river pass through the town.

Braintree, Mass.

Norfolk co. This town formerly
included Quincy and Randolph, an<J
was first called
Mount Wollaston.
It is celebrated for the antiquity of
its settlement, (1625) and Tor the
eminent men it has produced, both
in church and state. The surface
of the town is variegated by hill
and dale, presenting many delight-
ful views of Boston, its harbor and
the adjacent country. The soil is
a strong gravelly loam, and very
productive. Excellent granite
abounds here, of which large quan-
tities are annually quarried and
transported; and some of the best
merchant ships are built of native
white oak and cedar. The holley
tree (Ilex hquifolium) is indigenous.
Indications of coal have been so
strong as to warrant an attempt at
mining. The Manatiquot river,


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