Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 102
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Chesuncook Bake, Me.,

In the county of Piscataquis, is
a large sheet of water through
which the Penobscot river passes.
It also receives the Kahkoguamook
and Umbazookskus rivers. This
lake is about 25 miles long and 3
miles wide. The country around
this fine lake is very fertile, and as
well adapted to the growing of wool
and wheat as any portion of the
globe. Its central point is about
130 miles W. N. W. from Augusta.

Chichester, X. H.,

Merrimack co., is situated 8 miles
E. from Concord. It was granted
May 20, 1727, to Nathaniel Gookin
and others; but the settlement was
not commenced until 1758, when
Paul Morrill settled in the woods.
The .soil is good, and richly repays
the cultivator. There is little waste
land, nor are there any considerable
elevations. The east part of the
town is watered by the Suncook
river, which affords its mill seats
and some productive intervale.—
Population, 1S30, 1,084. In vari-
ous parts of the'town are still to be
seen traces of Indian settlements ;
and implements of stone, chisels,
axes, -&.C., have frequently been
found. The vicinity was once the
residence of a powerful tribe, the
Penacooks, and their plantations of
corn, &c., were made on the banks
of the Suncook.

Chickopee River, Mass.

This river rises in Spencer, Lei-
cester and Paxton, and receives the
waters of Quaboag pond, in Brook-
field. It passes through Warren.
At Palmer it receives the waters
of Ware and Swift rivers, and en-
ters the Connecticut at the N. part
of Springfield, 7 miles S. from South

Clulmark, Mass.

Dukes co. This town lies on the
S. and W. part of Martha’s Vine-
Gay Head, in this town,
is the south point of the island; it
is 150 feet above the sea, and is
crowned with one of the five light-
houses in this county.

Gay Head is about 60 miles E
N. E. of Montauk, on Long Island,
and bears marks of having been
subject to volcanic eruptions. The
place abounds in specimens of min-
erals worthy the notice of geolo-
gists. This part of the island is in-
habited by some descendants of the
native Indians, who own part of the
lands. There is some salt manufac-
tured at this place, and about 7,000
sheep are kept. Chilmark was in-
corporated in 1714. Population,
1837, 700. It lies 92 miles S. E.
from Boston, 33 W. from Nantucket,
23 S. E. by S. from New Bedford,
and 12 S. W. by S. from Edgarton.

China, Me.

Kennebec co. This is a town-
ship of excellent land, which pro-
duced, in 1837, 12,953 bushels of
wheat. China is watered by a lake,
or “ Twelve Mile Pond,” a fine
miniature of the beautiful Skane-
ateles, in the state of New York.
At the outlet of this pond, into the
Kennebec, are excellent mill priv-
ileges. On the bank of the pond
is a very flourishing village, a steam
saw-mill, and an academy. A vis-
it to this place, Albion, Clinton,
Dixmont, and the neighboring
towns, where wheat is worth a dol-
lar and a half a bushel in the barn,
is a good specific against the
ern fever.
A trip from Boston to
China and back again may be per-
formed in the same number of hours
that it takes to go up either of the
100 miles, towards an un-
seen country. China lies 20 miles
N. E. from Augusta, 48 S. W. from
Bangor, and 138 from Boston. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 2,641.

Chittenden County, Vt.

Burlington is the chief town.
This county is bounded N. by


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