Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 125
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v    Deering,    N.    H.,

Hillsborough co., 23 milesS. W.
from Concord, and 22 N. W. from
Amherst. It is diversified with
hills and valleys; is well watered,
and its soil is favorable to the seve-
ral purposes of agriculture. There
are three ponds, Dudley, Pecker’s,
and'Fulton’s. The two former are
sources of the N. branch of Piscat-
aquog river. There are some man-
ufactures in this town, and bricks
are made in a considerable quanti-
ty. Deering was incorporated Jan.
17, 1774. The name was given hy
Gov. John Wentworth, in honor of
his wife, whose maiden name was
Dering. The first permanent set-
tlement was made in 1765,byAlex-
ander Robinson. Population, 1830,

Deer Isle, Me.

Hancock co. This town is con-
stituted of three principal Islands—
Deer Island, Little Deer Island,
and the Isle of Haut. They com-
prise about 17,000 acres, and were
inhabited before the revolutionary
war. Incorporated, 1789. Popu-
lation, 1837, 2,473. The principal
island lies about 2 miles S. W. from
Sedgewick harbor, and 95 miles E.
by S. from Augusta. These islands
have good harbors, and are well lo-
cated for the shore fishery. Al-
though they are situated near the
sea they produce good crops and

Deer Islands, X. H.

In Connecticut river, between
Lyman and Barnet, Vt., are five
in number. The largest contains
38 acres.

Denmark, Me.

Oxford co. Incorporated, 1807.
Population, 1837, 1,082. It lies 85
miles S. W. by W. from Augusta,
about 28 S. W. from Paris, and 47
N. W. from Portland. Denmark is
finely watered by Saco river and
several beautiful ponds. The prin-
cipal business of the inhabitants is
agricultural, for which they have
a fertile soil, and which produced,
in 1837, 2,560 bushels of wheat.

Dennis, Mass.

Barnstable co. This town crosses
the cape, and was taken from Yar-
mouth in 1793. Population, 1837,
2,750. It lies 8 miles E. by N.
from Barnstable, and 7 W. from
Harwich. The first salt produced
by solar evaporation in this country
was made in this town, by John
Sears and others, in 1776. About

7,000 tons of shipping belong to this
town, principally engaged in fish-
ing and coasting, and all manned by
natives of the town.
Bass river,
rising from a pond, affords a small
water power. 150 ship-.masters be-
long to this town, sailing from va-
rious ports in the Union. The pro-
ducts of the cod and mackerel fish-
ing, in one year, amounted to $50,-
899. The manufacture of com-
mon salt, Epsom salts, vessels, and
lampblack, amounted to $25,975.

Denny gviHe, Me.

Washington co. This town is
bounded on the by Cobscook
bay, and watered by a river of the
same name. It lies 172 miles E.
N. E. from Augusta, and 22 N. E.
from Machias. Population, 1837,

Derby, Vt.

Orleans co. First settled, 1795.
It is bounded on the N. hy Lower
Canada, and on the W. by Mem*
phremagog lake. Clyde river, the
outlet of Salem pond, affords it a
good water power. This town is
very pleasant, level and fertile;—
it has some manufactures;—the
farmers are industrious and rear a
large number of sheep. Derby is
50 miles N. N. E. from Montpe-
lier, and 15 N. N.E. from Irasburgh.
Population, 1830, 1,469.


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