Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 142
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and corn. Maple sugar is made
here, and clover seed is raised in
considerable quantities. This town,
formerly called
Trecothick, was
granted May 1, 1769, to Barlow

Elmore, Vt.

Lamoille co. First settled, 1790.
<Elmore lies 16 miles N. from Mont- :
pelier and 10 S. from Hydepark.
Population, 1830, 442. There are
five ponds in this town, the waters
of which, the town being very high,
descend partly to Lamoille find part-
ly to Onion rivers. Some cattle and
some wool are sent to market.

Embden, Me.

Somerset co. A fine township
of land with two pleasant villages,
on the W. side of Kennebec river.
Seven Mile brook passes through
the S. W. corner of the town.—
Embden produced, in 1837, 6,400
bushels of wheat and considerable
wool. Incorporated, 1804. Popu- j
lation, 1837, 1,048. It is 46 miles
N. N. W. from Augusta and about
18 miles N. by W. from Norridge-

Enfield, Me.

Penobscot co. Incorporated,
1835. See “ Down East.”

Enfield, N. H.

Grafton co. Enfield comprises
24,060 acres, of which about 2,500
acres are water. It is 10 miles S.
E. from Dartmouth College and 40
N. W. from Concord. Its surface
is diversified with hills and valleys,
and watered by a variety of ponds
and streams, stored with fish of ev-
ery species common to the country.
Mascomy pond, which has acquir-
ed from travellers the appellation
of Pleasant pond, is a beautiful col-
lection of water, 4 miles in length
and of various breadth, interspersed
with islands and checkered with
inlets. Its eastern banks are cov-
ered with frees; the hills gradually
rise one above another for some dis-
tance. Along the western bank,
between the pond and Mont Calm,
within a few rods of the water, ex-
tends the turnpike road, the whole
distance through a beautiful vil-
lage, shaded to the N. on either
side by a growth of trees. Masco-
my river empties into this pond in
the N. W. part. This pond is sup-
posed to have once been much high-
er than it now is, and the plain and
villages to the south are supposed ,
to have been the bed of it. This
fact is sufficiently evident from the
ancient shore still remaining round
the pond, about 30 feet above high
water, and from logs having been
frequently found 12 feet below the
surface of the plain once flowed.
On the W. bank, near the southern
extremity, is the Shakers’ settle-
ment, situated on a fertile plain.—
The structure of the buildings, tho’
not lofty, are neat and convenient.
They occupy about 1,000 acres of
land, and their number consists of
about 240. They are agricultural-
ists and mechanics. Garden seeds
are grown, and wooden ware,whips,
corn brooms, leather, and various
other articles, are manufactured hy
them with peculiar neatness. See

Mountain pond, on the summit of
Mont Calm, is 200 rods long, and
100 wide. At the outlets of the
ponds are mills of various kinds.
The town was formerly called
and was incorporated by char-
ter, granted to Jedediah Dana and
others, July 4th, 1761. Population,
1830, 1,492.

Enfield, Mass.

Hampshire co. Swift river pass-
es through this town, and adds much
to its beauty and importance.—
The manufactures of this place, the
year ending April 1, 1837, amount-
ed to $182,669. The articles con-
sisted of cotton and woolen goods,
leather, boots, shoes, hats, hoes,
shingle machines, palm-leaf hats,


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