Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 145
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has many beautiful ponds and com-
manding elevations, and its sea-
board is the delight of' every be-
holder. However fruitful the cit-
izens may have rendered the soil
by their industry, this county is es-
sentially a commercial and manu-
facturing section of New England.
The tonnage of the five districts, in
1837, was 85,933 tons. The amount
of manufactures, for the year end-
ing April 1,1837, was 010,216,300 ;
and the amount of the whale, cod
and mackerel fisheries, amounted
to 01,378,144. The principal riv-
ers in Essex county are the Merri-
mack and Shawsheen. Essex coun-
ty was incorporated in 1643, and has
given birth to some of the most dis-
tinguished merchants in the United
States. Among many others may
be mentioned
William Gray,
Israel Thorndike,
and Wil-
liam Parsons.

Essex, Vt.

Chittenden co. This town is fine-
ly watered by Onion river on the
S. and Brown’s river, a branch of
the Lamoille, on the N. It is also
watered by other smaller streams.
At Hubbell’s falls, on Onion river,
are admirable mill sites, at which
are manufactures- of some extent.
The surface of the town is level;
a considerable portion of the soil is
dry and somewhat sandy, but pro-
duces good crops of corn and rye.
Along Onion river are some tracts
of beautiful intervale. Essex was
firstsettledinl783. It lies31miles
N. W. from Montpelier, and 8 N.
N. E. from Burlington. Popula-
tion, 1830, 1,664.

Essex, Mass.

Essex co. This town lies at the
head of Chebacco river, running in-
to Squam bay, 13 miles N. E. from
Boston, and 5 mile9 S. E. from Ips-
wich, from which it was taken in
1819. Many vessels of 50 to 120
tons are built in this town, and ma-
ny small vessels are employed in the
coasting trade and the fisheries.—
The manufactures of vessels, leath-
er, boots, shoes, bar iron, barrels,
cordage, pumps and blocks, in the
year ending April 1, 1837, amount-
ed to 0102,271. The tonnage em-
ployed in the cod and mackerel fish-
ery was 878 tons. Population, 1837,
1,402. Essex is a pleasant and
flourishing town.

Etna, Me.

Penobscot co. This is an excel
lent farming town with no import-
ant streams. It lies 63 miles N. E.
from Augusta, 17 W. from Bangor,
and bounded by Dixmont on the
S. Incorporated, 1S20. Popula-
tion, 1S30, 362—1837, 626. Etna
is fine wheat land: it produced, in
1S37, 2,421 bushels.

Exeter, Me.

Penobscot co. Exeter is 65 miles
N. N. E. from Augusta, and 25 S.W.
from Bangor. It was incorporated in

1811. Population, 1830, 1,438—
1837, 1,920. At the “Four Cor-
ners,” in the northerly part of the
town, is a pleasant village with con-
siderable trade and some mills. The
people of Exeter in 1837, with a
soil not above mediocrity, proved
without effort, by raising 12,058
bushels of wheat, that the state of
Maine is abundantly able, by means
within itself, to supply the whole
family of Yankees with bread stuffs,
and have some to spare to their
western brethren.

Exeter, X. H.

Rockingham co. This beautiful
town lies 40 miles S. E. by E. from
Concord and 14 S. W. from Ports-
mouth. The compact part of the
town lies about the falls, which sep-
arate the fresh from the tide water
of a branch of the Piscataqua, call-
ed by the natives Swamscot, and
now known by the name of Exeter
river. Above the falls this stream
assumes the name of Great river,
to distinguish it from one of


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