Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 153
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There are some woolen and other
manufactures on its streams, and
about 10,000 sheep graze in its pas-
tures. Large quantities of fish are
annually taken in the season of
spring. First settled, 1784. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 1,82*2. Ferrisburgh
lies 19 miles S. from Burlington,
16 N. W. from Middlebury, and 34
W. from Montpelier.

Fitcliburgh, Mass.

Worcester co. This township
was first granted by “ the Great
and General Court of His Majesty’s
Province of Massachusetts Bay,
Nov. 4, 1719.” The township thus
granted included the territory of
some of the neighboring towns.
The town was incorporated in 1764.
A large branch of the Nashua and
two smaller streams passthrough
the town, and afford it an extensive
and constant water power. Over
the Nashua, in the distance of two
miles, are eleven dams for the ac-
commodation ofmanufactories. This
is a very flourishing town, and ex-
hibits in a striking manner the ef-
fect of water power on the increase,
wealth and respectability of many
of our interior towns. There are
many valuable mill sites at this
place still unimproved. In the
immediate vicinity of the principal
village is an immense quarry of ex-
cellent granite. This town lies 47
miles W. N. W. from Boston, 24 N.
from Worcester, 30 W. by S. from
Lowell, and 60 N. E. from Spring-
field. There are in Fitchburgh 4
cotton, 3 woolen, and 2 paper mills.
The manufactures for the year end-
ing April 1, 1837, amounted to
$429,640. The manufactures con-
sisted of cotton and woolen goods,
paper, leather, boots, shoes, hats,
scythes, bellows, palm-leaf hats,
straw bonnets, chairs, tin and cab-
inet wares. The surface of the
town is hilly, but the soil is strong
and productive. Population, 1830,
2,169; 1837,2,662.

Fitzwilliam, ST. H.

Cheshire co. Fitzwilliam lies 13
miles S. E. from Keene, 60 S. W\
from Concord, and 65 N. W. from
Boston. Camp and Priest brooks,
running in a S.. direction, are the
principal streams. South pond, 230
rod's long .and of various width,
Sip’s pond, 200 rods long and 100
wide; Rockwood’s pond and Col-
lin’s pond, are the only natural col-
lections of water. The surface of
this town is hilly: the soil is rocky.
There is a considerable quantity of
very productive and highly valua-
ble meadow land. The soil is suit-
i able for grazing and tillage. Beef,
pork, butter and cheese are the sta-
ples. The farmers have of late turn-
ed their attention to the raising of
sheep. Near the centre of the town
is a large hill, remarkable for the
beautifully romantic prospect it af-
fords. Gap mountain, which at a
distance, appears to be apart of the
Monadnock, and on which are found
various kinds of stones suitable for
whetstones, lies partly in Troy and
partly in the N. E. part of Fitz-
william. Population, 1830, 1,229.

Fletcher, Vt.

Franklin co. There are some
small streams in this town and some
manufacturing operations. The soil
is broken, hard, and not very pro-
ductive. It lies 22 miles N. N. E
from Montpelier,and about 18 S. E
from St. Albans. Population, 1830,

Florida, Mass.

Berkshire co. A mountainous
township, 125 miles W. by N.from
Boston, 27 N. N. E. from Lenox,
and 7 E. from Adams. Florida is
watered by Deerfield river, and ex-
hibits some fine Alpine scenery.
Population, 1837, 457. Inc. 1805.

Foster, R. I.

Providence co. This is a large ag-
ricultural and manufacturing town.


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