Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 170
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New engi.and gazetteer.

Granby, Ct.

Hartford co. This town was in-
corporated in 1786, and was that
part of Simsbury which contains
the famous Simsbury mines; the old
state prison of Connecticut. The
cavern, once occupied as a prison,
is now worked, as formerly, as a
copper mine. This odious place,
unfit for the residence of the worst
of criminals, is 16 miles N. N.
W. from Hartford. The pit or cav-
ern is more than 50 feet in depth,
dark, damp and dismal. The worst
stigma that can be cast on the good
people of Connecticut is, that this
infernal region was suffered to re-
main nearly 40 years the abode
of their fellow beings. There are
some hills in Granby of considera-
ble elevation.
Barndoor hills rise
between four and five hundred feet,
and have the appearanc-e of having
been separated by some convulsion
of nature.
Turkey hills and Sal-
mon brook
are pleasant villages, and
have the appearance of prosperity.
Farmington river waters the for-
mer, and a branch of that river, the
latter. Population, 1830, 2,722.

Grand Isle County, Vt.

North Hero is tfie county town.
This county comprises a group of
islands in Lake Champlain, and a
point of land jutting into the N.
part of that lake on the S. side of
the Canada line, on which Alburgh
is situated. This county contains
about 80 square miles : most of the
land is level and excellent for graz-
ing and tillage. This county has
no considerable streams, but its nav-
igable facilities are very great. It
was first settled about the close of
the revolutionary war. Incorpora-
ted, 1802. It contained, in 1S37,
about 16,000 sheep. Population,
1820, 3,527; 1830, 3,696. Popula-
tion to a square mile, 46.

Grand Isle, Vt.

Grand Isle co. This town is
bounded on all sides by Lake Cham-
plain except on the S., where it is
bounded by South Hero, from which
it was taken in 1809. It lies 50
miles N. W. from Montpelier, and
18 N. by W. from Burlington.—
First settled, 1783. Population,
1830, 643. The soil of the town is
very fertile; it produces fine crops
of grain and an abundance of fruit
and cider. Marble, lime-stone, rock
crystals, &c., are found here, and
Grand Isle contains the only water
mill in the county. This is a fine
place for fishing and fowling.

Grand Lake.

This is a large collection of wa-
ter, lying partly in the county of
Washington, Me., and partly in
New Brunswick. It contains a large
number of islands: it receives the
waters of many small lakes and
rivers,and is the chief source of the
river St. Croix. It lies about 90
miles N..E. from Bangor.

Grantbam, N. H.,

Sullivan co., is bounded N. by
Enfield, E. by Springfield, S. by
Croydon, and W. by Plainfield,
which separates it from Connecticut
river. It is 12 miles S. E. from
Dartmouth college, and 45 N. W.
from Concord. There are 7 or 8
ponds, the largest of which lies in
the S. E. part of the town and is
called Eastman’s pond, containing
nearly 300 acres. Another, lying
near the centre of the town, con-
tains nearly 200 acres. Croydon
mountain extends through the west-
erly part of Grantham in a direc-
tion from S. W. to N. E. The soil
is productive, especially on the W.
of the mountain. It. seems to be
more favorable for wheat than any
other species of grain. The moun-
tain affords good pasturage, and the
lower land yields grass in abund-
ance. On the E. side of the moun-
tain is a spring supposed to possess
medicinal qualities, visited by hun-
dreds of valetudinarians in the sum-


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