Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 172
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Greene, Me.

Kennebec co. Greene has several
ponds, but no good mill privileges.
It lies on the E. side of Androscog-
gin river, 6 miles above Lewiston,
and 22 S. W. from Augusta. It is
an excellent farming town, and
produced, in 1837, 3,27S bushels of
wheat. Incorporated, 1788. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 1,366.

Grecnbush, Me.

Penobscot co. This territory was
called the
Olainmon Plantation,
until its incorporation in 1834.—
Olammon stream, one of the most
beautiful tributaries of the Penob-
scot, joins that river, on the E. side,
in Greenbush, affording an exten-
sive hydraulic power. Greenbush
is a flourishing place, and lies about
25 miles N. by E. from Bangor.
Population, 1830, 333; 1S37, 666.

Greenfield, Me.

Hancock co. This town was in-
corporated in 1834. It was No. 38
on the
Bingham Purchase. See
“ Down East.”

Greenfield, N. II.,

Hillsborough co., is bounded N.
by Francestown and Society-Land,
E. by Francestown and Lyndebo-
rough, S. by Lvndeborough and
Temple, and W. by Peterborough
and Hancock. It is 14 miles W.
N. W. from Amherst, and 38 S. W.
from Concord. Contoocook river
forms part of the W. boundary, and
separates this town from Hancock.
The soil is generally fertile. The
hills afford excellent pasturage; the
valleys and plains are favorable for
grain. Hops are raised in great
abundance. A part of Crotched
mountain rises from the N..part,
and part of Lyndeborough mountain
from the S. and E. sections of this
town. There are some valuable
meadows; in one of them have
been found many Indian relics, from
which it is conjectured that it was


a favorite spot of the sons of the
forest. There are five ponds; the
largest about one mile in length,
and one third of its length in width.
The first settlement commenced in
1771, by Capt. Alexander Park-
er, Major A. Whittemore, Simeon
Fletcher, and others. It was incor-
porated June 15,1791. Population,
in 1830, 946.

Greenfield, Mass.

County town, Franklin co. This
town lies on the W. side of Connec-
ticut river, and is washed by Green
river, an excellent mill stream, a
branch of the Deerfield. The vil-
lage is situated about 2 miles from
Connecticut river, and is very beau-
tiful and flourishing. There is a
woolen mill in Greenfield with four
sets of machinery; and manufac-
tures of boots, shoes, leather, hats,
iron castings, chairs, cabinet and
tin wares, saddles, harnesses,trunks,
stove and lead aqueduct pipe, iron
work, guns, pistols, rifles, coach-
es, wagons, books, &c. The total
amount of manufactures, for the
year ending April 1, 1837, was
$164,844. The value of wool, the
product of 2.153 fleeces, sheared in
1837, was $3,404. There is an
academy for young ladies in this
town, a farming school for young
men, and some iron and copper ores.
Greenfield lies 95 miles W. by N.
from Boston, and 22 N. from North-
ampton. Incorporated, 1753. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 1,540; 1837, 1,840

Greenland, N. H.,

Rockingham co., is situated five
miles W.S.W. from Portsmouth,and
45 E.S.E. from Concord: it is bound-
: ed N. hy the Great-Bay and New-
ingion. E. by Portsmouth and Rye,
S. by North-Hampton, and W. by
Stratham. The soil is remarkably
good. The orchards and gardens
of this town are valuable, and yield
annual profits to the farmers.—
Greenland, originally a part of Ports-
mouth, was incorporated as a dis-


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