Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 186
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London have been detached. Its
present limits comprise an area of
about 727 square miles. Besides
the Connecticut, which traverses
its whole length, the Farmington,
Hackanum, Podunk, Scantic, and
other streams, water the county in
almost every direction. On these
streams important manufacturing
establishments have sprung up, and
unite with the agricultural interest
and river trade in rendering this
county the centre of a large and
flourishing business. In 1837 there
were in the county’ 29,576 sheep.
Population, 1820, 47,261;    1830,

51,141: 70 inhabitants to a square

Hartford, Ct.

Tht first English settlement in
Hartford was commenced in 1635,
by Mr. John Steel and his associates
from Newtown, (now Camhridge)in
Massachusetts. The main body of
the first settlers, with Mr. Hooker
at their head, did not arrive till the
following year.

“ About the beginning of June,
(says Dr. Trumbull,) Mr. Hooker,
Mr. Stone, and about one hundred
men, women and children, took
their departure from Cambridge,
and traveled more than a hundred
miles, through a hideous and track-
less wilderness, to Hartford. They
had no guide but their compass,
and made their way over mountains,
through swamps, thickets and riv-
ers, which were not passable hut
with great difficulty. They had no
cover but the heavens, nor any
lodgings but those that simple na-
ture afforded them. They drove
with them a hundred and sixty head
of cattle, and by the way subsisted
on the milk of their cows. Mrs.
Hooker was borne through the wil-
derness upon a litter. The people
carried their packs, arms, and some
utensils. They were nearly a fort-
night on their journey. This ad-
venture was the more remarkable,
as many of the company were per-
sons of figure, who had lived in
England, in honor, affluence and
delicacy, and were entire strangers
to fatigue and danger.”

The Indian name of Hartford was
Suckiag. A deed appears to have
been given by
Sunckquasson, the
sachem of the place, about 1636, to
Samuel Stone and William Good-
win, who appear to have acted in
behalf of the first settlers.

The town of Hartford is bounded
N. by Windsor and Bloomfield, E.
by Connecticut river, S. by Weth-
ersfield, and W. by Farmington and
Avon. It is about six miles in
length from north to south, and ave-
rages about five in breadth. The
western part of the town has a soil
of red gravelly earth, very rich and
productive. That part near the
river is covered with a strong clay,
or a rich black mould. The latter
is principally in the valuable tract
of meadow adjacent to Connecticut

Hartford City, incorporated
in 17S4, is over a mile in length
upon the river, and about three
fourths of a mile in breadth. The
alluvial flat upon the river is nar-
row, being from 40 to 100 rods, and
is connected with the upland by a
very gradual elevation. It is situ-
ated on the west side of Connecti-
cut river, 45 miles from its mouth.
It is in N. lat 41° 45' 59", W.
Ion. 72° 40k It is 260 miles S.
W. from Augusta, Maine; 139 S.
S. W. from Concord, New Hamp-
shire ; 205 S. from Montpelier, Ver-
mont; 97 W. S. W. from Boston,
Massachusetts ; 64 W. from Provi-
dence, Rhode Island; 110 N. E.
from the city of New York, and
335 E. from Washington.

The legislature of the state as-
sembles alternately at Hartford and
New Haven, the odd years at Hart-
ford. The city is rather irregular-
ly laid out, and is divided at the S.
part by Mill, or Little river. Across
this stream a fine bridge of free-,


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