the principal part of which is laid out in walks, ornamental grounds and extensive gardens. With each wing and block of the building is connected a court-yard, encompass- ed by high fences, and handsomely laid out, designed to afford the ben- efit of exercise, pastime and fresh air, to those who cannot safely he allowed to range abroad.”
The mode of treatment at this institution is similar to that adopted at the McLean Asylum, Charles- town, Mass.
“J^ashington College. This in- stitution was founded in 1826 It has two edifices of free stone ; one 14S feet long by 43 wide, and 4 sto- ries high, containing 48 rooms; the other 87 feet by 55, and' 3 stories high, containing the chapel, libra- ry; mineralogical cabinet, philo- sophical chamber, laboratory and recitation rooms. See Register.
The Charter Oak. Thi3 tree stands on the beautiful elevation which rises above the south mead- ows, a few rods north of the ancient seat' of the Wyllys family. The tree is still in a vigorous state, and may flourish for another century.
“That venerable tree, whiGh concealed the charter of our rights,” says a daughter of Secretary Wyl- lys, “stands at the foot of Wyllys hill. The first inhabitant of that name found it standing in the height of its glory. Age seems to have curtailed its branches, yet it is not exceeded in the height of its color- ing, or richness of its foliage. The trunk measures twenty one feet in circumference, and near seven in diameter. The cavity, which was the asylum of our charter, was near the roots, and large enough to ad- mit a child. Within the space of eight years, that cavity has closed, as if it had fulfilled the divine purr pose for which it had been reared?** The stofy of the “ Charter Oak” is thus told by Mr. Barber. |
“ Sir Edm'und Andros being ap- pointed the first governor-gene»l over New England, arrived in Bos- ton in Dec. 1686. From this place he wrote to the colony of Connecti- cut to resign their charter, but with- out success. “ e The a^embly met as usual, in October, and the gov- ernment continued according to charter, until the last of the month. About this time, Sir Edmund, with his suite and more than sixty regu- lar troops, came to Hartford when the assembly were sitting, and de- manded the charter, and declared the government under it to be dis- solved. . The assembly were ex- tremely reluctant and slow with re- spect to-any resolve, to surrender the charter, or with respect to any motion to bring it forth. The tra- dition is, that governor Treat strong- ly represented the great expense and hardships of the colonists in planting the country; the blood and treasure which they had ex- pended in defending it, both against the savages and foreigners; to what hardships he himself had been ex- posed for that purpose ; and that it was like giving up his life, now to surrender the patent and privileges so dearly bought and so long enjoy- ed. The important affair was de- bated and kept in suspense until tbe evening, when the charter was brought and laid upon the table where the assembly, were sitting. By this time great numbers of peo- ple were assembled, and men suffi- ciently hold to enterprise whatever might be necessary or expedient. The lights were instantly extin- guished, and one Capt. Wadsworth, of Hartford, in the most silent and secret manner, carried ofi'the char- ter, and secreted it in a large hol- low tree, fronting the house of Hon. Samuel Wyllys, then one of the magistrates of the colony. The people all appeared peaceable and orderly. The candles were offi- ciously re-lighted, but the patent was gone, and no discovery could |