Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 194
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from Plymouth, and 40 N. W. from
Concord. A considerable * part of
Newfound lake .lies in the S. E.
part of this town. It has no river,
nor any important streams. Near-
ly one half of this town was inclu-
ded in the grant of Cockermouth,
now Groton. The remaining part
was taken from Plymouth. It was
incorporated, 1792. Population in
1830, 538.

Hebron, Ct.

Tolland co. Hop river, a branch
of the Willimantic,waters this town.
The village of Hebron, with its
Gothic church, 20 miles S. E. from
Hartford, and 14 S. from Tolland,
is pleasant and commands a good
prospect. There are in the town 2
cotton, 1 woolen, and 1 paper, mills;
a large iron furnace and other man-
ufactories. The surface of the
town is hilly, but fertile. North
pond in the S. part of the town is a
handsome sheet of water. Hebron
was first settled, 1704. Incorpora-
ted, 1707. Population, 1830, 1,939.

Henniker, N. H.

Merrimack co. It is 23 miles N.
W. from Amherst, and 15 W. from
Concord. Contoocook river passes
easterly through its centre, and di-
vides the town into nearly equal
portions of territory and population.
Its course is rather circuitous, and
in many places presents scenes of
considerable interest and beauty.
Few places afford better prospects
for the successful operation of wa-
ter machinery than this. There
are several ponds of considerable
size. Long pond is the largest, be-
ing between 1 and 2 miles in length,
and from 40 to 80 rods wide—situa-
ted 1 mile N.of the centre village.
Craney hill is the principal eleva-
tion, and embraces a large portion
of territory on the S. of the town.
It is mostly in a state of cultivation.
The soil of the hills is favorable for
wheat—the valleys produce good
crops of corn.

Henniker was granted in 1752,
under the name of
.Number 6. Its
settlement commenced in 1761. It
was incorporated in 1768, when it
received its present name from Gov.
Wentworth, in honor of his friend
Henniker, probably John Henni-
ker, Esq., a merchant in London and
a member of the British parliament
at that time. Population, in 1830,

Hermon, Me.

Penobscot co. A good township
of land, 7 miles W. from Bangor. A
large pond and the Sowadabscook
river water its S. W. corner. In
1837, 1,870 bushel of wheat was
raised. Incorporated, 1814. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 535.

Highgate, Vt.

Franklin co. This town lies on
the E. side of Lake Champlain, at
the N. W. corner of New Eng-
land, and of the United States. It
is 60 miles N. W. from Montpe-
lier, and 12 N. from St. Albans.
First settled, about 1784. The soil
is generally sandy, in some parts
swampy. Bog iron ore, of a good
quality, is found here. There are
many mill privileges in Highgate,
particularly at a fall of the river
Missisque, where are iron works,
and other manufactories. The
scenery at this place is quite wild
and picturesque. Population, 1830,
2,038. Highgate is a place of con-
siderable trade with Canada, and
down the lake.

Hill, N. H.

Grafton co. This town is 24 miles
N. N. W. from Concord, and 44 S.
S. E. from Haverhill. It is watered
by Pemigewasset and Smith’s
rivers, and several small streams.
Eagle pond is the only one of note.
Ragged mountain is a considerable
elevation, and but little inferior to
Kearsarge. Viewed from the sum-
mit of the neighboring hills, thi9
town appears very uneven, yet


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