Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 213
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shore white, oak, noted for its
strength and durability. During
the year-ending April 3,1837, there
were 19 vessels engaged in the cod
and mackerel fishery. They took
14,214 quintals of cod fish, and 886
barrels of mackerel/the value of
which 'amounted to $48,590. There
is a cotton mill in Kingston, and
manufactures of bar iron, nails, ax-
es, cutlery, anchors, leather, shoes,
palm-leaf hats, and shingles : total
value,in one year $105,302. Monk’s
hill presents an excellent view of
Plymouth harbor. Kingston was
incorporated in 1726. Population,
1837, 1,371.

Kirby, Vt.

Caledonia co.. First settled, 1799.
Population, 1830, 401. There are
some tracts of good land in Kirby,
biit the township is generally either
wet and cold, or too mountainous for
cultivation. It has a number of
springs, brooks, and a good fish
pond. The tewn lies 36 miles N.
E. from Montpelier, and^l4 N. E.
from Danville. •

Kir Island, Me.

Penobscot qo. Kirkland is finely
watered by Dead stream, Pushaw
lake and its principal tributary riv-
er. It lies 83 miles N. E.- from
Augusta, and 15 N. N. W.from
Bangor. Incorporated, 1S25. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 253.    -    *

Kittery, Me.

York co. A sea port town on
the N. E. bank of the Piscataqua
river, being the extreme southwest-
ern boundary of the state on the
Atlantic, adjoining York on the N.
E. and Elliot on the N. W. It-is
one of the earliest settlements in
the province, or state, and had its
share of trial and suffering with
others of their days, from repeated
incursions of the Indians. The
river or inlet, called Spruce creek,
affords a convenient harbor for ves-
sels usually employed in the coast-
ing trade and fishery, and formerly
considerable trade was carried on
with the West Indies from this
place —but there is little or none
at present.

Kittery point was the residence
of Sir William Pepperell, who com-
manded the New England troops in
the celebrated ‘ expedition to- Cape
Breton, in 1745, which resulted in
the capture of Louisburg. . It is
divided from Portsmouth, N. H. by
the Piscataqua. A bridge connects
it with that place. Another bridge
connects it with Badger’s island, on
which is the United States Navy
Yard. Kittery lies 103 miles S. W.
from Augusta, and 50 S. W. from
Portland. Incorporated, 1653.—
Population, 1837, 2;322.

Knox, Me.

, Waldo co. A beautiful farming
town, named in honor of Gen. Hejy-
ry Kivox, a patriot of the revolu-
tion, who died at Thomaston, 1806,
aged 56. This is one of the many
towns in Maine fast rising in wealth
and respectability, by the fertility of
the soil and industry of the people.
It lies 32 miles N. p. by E. from
Augusta, and 14 S. W. from Bel-
fast. Incorporated, 1819. Popu-
lation, 1837, 815. Wheat crop,
same year, 4,037 busliels.

Lagrange, Me.

Population, 1837, 287. Wheat
crop, same year, 1,749 bushels.
See “ Down East.”

Lamoille County, Vt.

Hyde Park is the shire town.—
This county was established in 1836.
It is hounded N. by Franklin and
Orleans counties, E. by Orleans and
Caledonia counties, S. by Washing-
ton county, and W. by Chittenden
and a part of Franklin counties.
This county lies on the Green moun-
tain range, and is the source of ma-
ny streams. The river Lamoille
passes nearly through its centre,
and, with its tributaries, give the


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