eral substances are found here. Lancaster was first settled, 1643. Incorporated, 1653. Population, 1837, 1,903. It lies 35 miles W. N. W. from Boston, and 15 N. N. E. from Worcester.-
LandaiF, IV. II.
Grafton co. Its distance from Haverhill is about 12 miles N. E., and from Concord"90 N. by W; Wild Amonoosuck river runs from S. E. to N. W. through the S. part of the town. Through the north- westerly extremity passes the Great Amonoosuck river. Landjtff moun- tain in the E. part, Cobble hill in the centre, and Bald hill in the W., are the principal elevations. The soil is fertile. J^amlaff was granted in 1764, to James Avery and others. Population, in 1830, 951.
Landgrove, Vt.
Bennington co. This town is on, elevated land at the N. E. corner of the county, 33 miles N. E. fi^oin Bennington, and about 30 S. W. from Windsor. Some of the head branches of West river have their sources here. The lands are too rough and high for much improve- ment. First settled, 1769. Popu- , iation, 1830, 385.
Lanesborough, Mass.
Berkshire co. This township lies on elevated ground, the sources of some of the head branches of Hous- atonick and Hoosack rivers. It is situated on two hills, with an inter- vening valley. The lands in the valley arc v$ry luxuriant, and the hilly parts are admirably adapted for grazing. Lanesborough is a beautiful town,under good cultiva- tion, and very productive. The in- habitants are principally farmers, who make agriculture a business, and reap,its rewards. In 1837 there were in this town 12,333 sheep, whose fleeces weighed 42,489 lbs., estimated at $26,100. Limestone abounds here j also beautiful mar- ble, and graphic slate. There is a delightful pond partly in this town and partly in Pittsfield: it con- tains trout and other fine fish.— Lanesborough was .incorporated, |
1765. Population, 1‘837,1,090. It lies 125 miles W. by N. from Bos- ton, and 11 N. from Lenox.
Langdon, N. H.
Sullivanco. Langdonis 18 miles
S. S. W. from Newport, and 50 W. by S. from Concord. The princi- pal village it 3miles E. from Con- necticut river, and 6 from Bellows Falls. A considerable branch of Cold river passes S. W. through the whole extent of this town, and unites with the main branch near the S. line. Langdon, named in honor of Gov. Langdon, was incorporated 1787. Its settlement commenced in
1773. Population, 1830,^667.
Lebanon, Me.
York co. This town is bounded W. by Salmon Fall river, on the line of New Hampshire. It is a large agricultural township, with some trade and manufactures. It lies 99 miles S. W. from Augusta, 50 S. W. by W. from Portland, and 11 S. W. from Alfred. Incorpora- tedj 1767. Population, in 1837, 2,240.
Lebanon, N. H.
Grafton co. This pleasant town on Connecticut river, is 4 miles S. from Dartmouth College, 49 N. W. from ConCord, and 90 N. W. from Portsmouth. Besides the Connec- ticut on its W. border, this town is watered by Mascomy river, running from E. to W. through its centre, and affording many valuable mill seats and a constant supply of wa- ter. The soil here is alluvial, the intervales on the' Connecticut ex- tending back .from the river about half a mile. There are meadows or intervales on Mascomy river. The principal village is situated on a plain near the central part, at the |