Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 228
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Spring, e. 4—56 :—-to Newburgh,
w. 5—61to Hamburgh, e. 7—
68:—to Poughkeepsie, e. 4—72:—
to Hyde Park, e. 9—31:—to Lew-
is’ Landing, e. and Esopus, w. 5—
86:—to Kingston Landing, w. and
Rhinebeck Landing, e. 4—90
to Upper Red Hook Landing, e. and'
Ulster; w. -11—101 :—to. Catskill
Landing,-w. 9—110 :—to Hudson,
e. and Athens, w. 6—116:—to
Coxsackie Landing, w. 8—124.:—
to Kinderhook Landing, e.3—127:—
to Coemans, w.' 5—132 :—to the
Overslaugh, (sand bars) 9—141:—
to Albany, w. 3—144:—to Troy,e.
6—150. The whpis distance'from
Boston to Troy, by this route, is 357

At Catskill Landing, visitors to
tbe Catskill mountains stop. Pine
Orchard Hotel,^ splendid building,
is 12 miles distant. This Mountain
House is 2,271 feet above the tide
of the Hudson. A few years ago
this enchanting spot was a wilder-

“ From this lofty eminence all
inequalities of surface-are overlook-
ed. A seemingly/endless succes-
sion of wood
3 and waters—farms
and villages, towns' and citids, are
spread out as upon a boundless map.
Far beyond rise the Tagkannuc
mountains, and- the highlands of
Connecticut and Massachusetts. To
the left, and at a still greater dis-
tance, the Green mountains of Ver-
mont stretch away to the north, and
their blue summitsandthe blue sky
mingle together. The- beautiful
Hudson, studded with islands, ap-
pears narrowed in the distance,
with steam-boats almost constantly
in sight; while vessels of every
description, spreading their white,
canvas to the breeze, are moving
rapidly over its surface, or idly
loitering in the calm. These may
be traced to the distance of nearly
seventymiles with the naked eye;
and again at times all below is en-
veloped in dark clouds and rolling


mist, which, drivett about by the
wind, is constantly assuming new,
wild, and fantastic forms. From
the Pine Orchard a ride or walk of
a mile or two brings you to the
Kauterskill falls. Here the outlet
of .two small lakes leaps down a
perpendicular fall of 130 feet—then
glides away through a channel
worn in the rock, to a second fall
of 80. feet. Below this it is lost in
the dark raviiie through which it
finds its way to the valley of the

Troy is a beautiful city. It lies
on the east side of Hudson river,
in the county-of Rensselaer, New
York, at the head of navigation,
and at the junction of the northern
and western canals with that noble
river. The city is.on an elevated
plain, regularly laid out: the streets
are wide and well shaded : the
buildings are uniformly neat, and
many of them in a style of superior
elegance. St. Paul’s church, and
the new Presbyterian,are splendid
edifices, and display great taste in
their construction.

The city of Troy is abundantly
supplied with excellent water from
the neighboring hills, at an expense
of $150,000. The source of the
water is 75 feet above the level of
the city. At the corner of every
street are hydrants, and a hose plac-
ed on these sends the water up
higher and with greater force than
a fire engine.

The squares and private gardens
are ornamented with perpetual wa-
ter fountains.

In Washington Square is an Ital-
ian marble fountain, chaste and clas-
sic in its construction, in the centre
of the city. It sends up the water
ten or fifteen feet, and in its descent
resembles the weeping willow.—
This significant emblem of purity
gives this beautiful square an addi-
tional charm.

Two streams, affording immense


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