Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 231
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at this place is 30 feet, and the
quantity of water never falls short
of 2,000 cubic feet per second,
and is very rarely so low as that.
This quantity of water is estimated
to carry 286,000 spindles, with all
the preparatory machinery. There
is therefore an unimproved water
power at this place sufficient to
capry eleven mills of the usual size,
making.the whole number of mills
39, when all the water is improved.

There are 10-corporations, with a
capital stock of $8,250,000 : 28 mills
besides machine shops, print works,

&.C., all warmed in cold weather by
hot air or steam.

There are 150,404. spindles, and
4,861 looms. There are 51,147,200
yards of cloth manufactured per an-
num*!*^,220,000 yards dyed and
pointed, and 16,161,600 lbs. of cot-
ton used annually, besides a large
quantity of wool.

There are annually used in these
manufactories, 11,000 tons of An-,
thracite coal, 4,810 cords of wood,

500,000 bushels of charcoal, 63,489
gallons of oil, 510,000 pounds of
starch, and 3,800 barrels of flour
for starch in the print works anck

The number of females employ-
ed in the mills, is 6,295: number of
males, 2,047. Total number of
hands, 8,342. The average wages
of females per week, clear of board,
is $1,75; of males, 80 cents per
day, clear of board. The average
amount of wages paid per month
is $106,000.

The goods manufactured in these
mills consist of sheetings, shirtings,
drillings, calicoes, broadcloths, cas-
simeres, carpets, rugs, negro cloth;
machinery for mills, and for en-
gines and cars for rail-roads. The
quality of these goods is general-
ly superior to those imported. The
annual amount *of goods manu-
factured by these mills is about

The mills are built of brick, and
are about 157 feet in length, 45 in
breadth, and from 4 to 7 stories in

The Locks and Canals Machine
•Shop, included among the 28 mills,
can furnish machinery complete for
a mill of 5,000 spindles in four
months, and lumber and materials
are. always at command, with which
to build or rebuild a mill in that'
time, if required. When building
mills, the Locks and Canals Com-
pany employ directly and indirect-
ly from a thousand to twelve'hun-
dred hands.

There are also in Lowell 10
powder mills, a flour mill, glass
works, the Lowell bleachery, flan-
nel mills,and manufaetoriesof cards,
whips, planing and reed machines,
boots, shoes; brass, copper and tin
wares, carriages, harnesses, iron
castings, &.c. &.c.; the annual pro-
ceeds of which amount to about
$500,000, employing about 200

Lowellis finely situated in regard
to health : it is surrounded by pleas-
ant bills- and valleys, and seated on
a rapid stream. We are enabled to
state on good authority that 6 of
the females out of 10 enjoy better
health than before being employed
in the mills, and that one half Of the
males derive -the same advantage.

Lowell is very handsomely locat-
ed : it is laid out into wide streets.;
all the buildings-are of recent con-
struction, and in a style of neatness
and elegance.

With regard to the future pros-
perity of this interesting city, nothr
ing need be said to those who know
that it was founded, and is princi-
pally sustained, hy the most emi-
nent capitalists of Boston; a city
renowned for its enterprize, wealth,
and public spirit.

To strangers we would say—visit
It is a pleasant ride of about an
hour from Boston, by the rail-road.
Foreigners view Lowell with ad-
miration ; and every American who
sees it feels proud that such a city
exists on this side of the Atlantic.


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