Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 233
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ham’s river has its source from this
mountain. There are several ponds
in the E. part of Lyman, through
the largest of which Burnham’s
river has its course. The lower bar
of the Fifteen Mile falls is in this
town. Carleton’s falls are several
miles below,* and below these is
Stevens’ ferry, which communi-
cates with Barnet. Lyman was
granted in 1761. Population, in
1830, 1,321.

Lyme, N. H.

town, watered by several ponds
which empty, some into the Saco,
and others into the Kennebunk and
Mousum. It lies 87 miles S.
from Augusta, 5 E. from Alfred and
6 N. N. W. from Kennebunk. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 1,528.

Lyman, X. H.

Grafton co. On Connecticut riv-
er. This town is 13 miles above
Haverhill, 90 miles N. N.-W. from
Concord. There is one considera-
ble elevation, called Lyman’s moun-

generally of good soil, but greatly
diversified in regard to surface:
some parts are mountainous and
rocky, while others are level, with
large tracts of salt meadow. The.
town is watered by several streams
and ponds, and the shores on the
sound and river are indented by
small bays and harbors, which af-
ford the town soriie navigable privi-
leges. There are several neat vil-
lages in the town, a eotton mill,
2 woolen factories, and about 6,000
sheep.. Lyme was first settled in
tain. The N. W. branch of Bunw~'1664. Incorporated, 1667. It lies

Grafton co. This town is 6 miles
S. from Orford, and 54 N. W. from
Concord. The soil here is similar
to that of other towns on Connecti-
cut river, with this difference, that
there is a less proportion of inter-
vale, and a less difference between
that directly adjoining the river and
the other parts of the town. There
are three small streams passing
through Lyme and emptying into
Connecticut river. There are two
small ponds, the largest of which is
called Ports pond. There is a moun-
tain, called Smart’s mountain, lying
in the N. E. part of the town.—
Lyme was granted 1761. The town
was settled 1764. Population, in
1830, 1,804.

Lyme, Ct.

New London-co. Lyme is situ-
ated at the mouth of Connecticut
river, on the east side; opposite to
Saybrook. It is a pleasant town,
40 miles S. E. from Hartford, and 40

E. from New Haven. Population,
1830, 4,084. Its Indian name waa

Among the first settlers was
Matthew Griswold, the ances-
tor of two governors, and of a nu-
merous and highly respected family
in the state.

A tract of land, once an Indian
reservation, was for some time in
dispute between the towns of Lyme
and New London. It was finally
agreed to settle their respective ti-
tles to the land in controversy, by a
combat between two champions, to
be chosen by each for that purpose.
The combatants were chosen, and
on a day mutually appointed, the
champions appeared in the field,
and fought with their fists till vic-
tory declared in favor of each of the
Lyme combatants. Lyme then qui-
etly took possession of the contro-
verted tract, and has held it un-
disputed, to the present day.

Deacon Marvin, a large land
holder and an exemplary man, was
exceedingly eccentric in some of
his notions. His courtship, it is
said, was as follows:—Having one
day mounted his horse, with only a
sheep skin for a saddle, he rode in
front of the house where Betty Lee
lived, and without dismounting re-
quested Betty to come to him; on
her coming, he told her that the
Lord had sent him there to marry
her. Betty, without much hesi-


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