Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 259
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This county was constituted by
an act of the legislature, 1 July,
1623—being taken from the coun-
ties of Rockingham and Hillsbo-
borough, ten towns being separated
from the former, and thirteen from
tbe latter. Population, 1820, 32,-
843 ; 1830, 34,619. Twenty four
towns, 44 inhabitants to a square
mile. In 1S3T, there were 66,152
sheep in this county

Merrimack, IV. H.,

Hillsborough co., is bounded N.
by Bedford, E. by Litchfield, S. by
Nashua, and W. by Amherst.—
It is 6 miles S. E. from Amherst,
and 27 S. from Concord. Merri-
mack river waters its E. border
through its whole extent, opening
a communication by water from
this place to Boston. Souhegan en-
ters this town from Amherst, pur-
sues a winding course to the Mer-
rimack, where it discharges itself
one mile above Thornton’s ferry.
There are fine water privileges on
this stream. Babboosuck brook,
issuing from Babboosuck pond in •
Amherst, empties into Souhegan
river, and Penichook brook from a
pond in Hollis, forms the southern
boundary. The soil in various pla-
ces is very fertile, but a considera-
ble portion of the land is plain.
There are some fine intervales on
the Merrimack. Some of the best
and most extensive water privileges
the county affords, about 1 1-2 mile
from the Merrimack, on Souhegan
river, lie unimproved.

This town claims the first discove-
ry in this region of making what
are called leghorn bonnets. They
were first made several years since,
by the Misses Burnaps. Some of
their bonnets were sold at auction
in Boston for $50.

This town was formerly called
Souhegan East. It was incorpo-
rated, 1746, having been settled
about 13 years.

The first house in this town was
erected on the margin of the river

for a house of traffic with the In-
dians. For some. time-one Crom-
well carried on a lucrative trade
with the Indians, weighing their
furs with his. foot, till, enraged at
his supposed or real deception,
they formed the resolution to mur-
der him. This intention was com-
municated to Cromwell, who buried
his wealth and made his escape.
Within a few hours after his flight,
a party of the Penacook tribe arriv-
ed,muLnot finding the object of
' their resentment, they burnt his

Hon. Matthew Thornton,
one of the signers of the Declara-
tion of American Independence,
resided many years in this town.
He died in 1803, at the age of 89.
Population, 1830, 1,191.

Merrymeeting Bays.

Merrymeeting Bay, in Maine, is
at the junction of the Androscoggin
with the Kennebec, about 5 miles
above Bath. It is a large expanse
of water', and contains Swan and
other islands. The passage through
this bay, of 10 or 12 miles in length,
is delightful.

Merrymeeting Bay, in New
Hampshire, is an arm of Winne-
pisiogee lake, extending about 1,800
rods into the town of Alton, and is
27 miles from the navigable waters
of Piscataqua river.

Methuen, Mass.

Essex co. In this town is a beau-
tiful water fall of 30 feet, on Spick-
et river, which furnishes an excel-
lent hydraulic power. Methuen
lies on the N. bank of Merrimack
river, and is 25 miles N. by W. from
Boston, and 20 N. W. by N. from
Salem. It was taken from Haver-
hill in 1725. Population, 1830,
2,011; 1837, 2,463. There are 2
cotton, and 2 paper mills in the
town, and manufactures of leather,
shoes, hats, ploughs, segars, essen-
ces, chaises, harnesses, chairs, tin
and cabinet wares, and piano-forte


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