France. There is also a collection of bibles and testaments in 81 lan- guages and dialects, oriental, &c., into which the bible has been trans- lated.
The philosophical and astronomi- cal apparatus, has been lately in- creased at great expense. There is a telescope, with a six inch object glass, a splendid altitude and Azi- muth instrument, so constructed as to be used for meridian transits. Russell’s magnificent Orrery, an unrivalled Instrument, and the only one of the vkind. There is a noble Plate Electrical machine, with two plates 36 inches in diameter, &c.
The chemical department has a good laboratory and apparatus.— The cabinet of minerals is becom- ing extensive. In geology, besides specimens, there are several valu- able charts to illustrate the different states, and many districts of Eng- land..
In botany, there are several of the best standard works, and for the preservation of the science, the richness in species'of the native plants about Mjddletown, is not surpassed by any location in New England. The placets also remark- able for the variety and abundance of its rare minerals.
The rising reputation of its uni- versity, the great salubrity of its atmosphere, and the activity of its manufacturing capital, render Mid- dletown equally attractive to the traveler, the man of science, or of business. There are besides in this city, several fine cabinets of shells, insects, minerals, &.c,, and an Her- barium of considerable extent, of North American as well as of Eu- ropean plants, also several choice private libraries.
The library of the Rev. Dr. Jar- vis, contains 13,000 volumes of ex- ceeding choice hooks, collected by him, during a residence of Sev- eral years in Europe, and his gal- lery of about 120 paintings, is re- garded as being very valuable.— |
About 70 of these pictures formed the gallery of the Archbishop of 'Tarento at Naples, and are of the old masters—Titian, Rubens, Tin- toretto, Salvator Rosa, Carlo Dolce, Lueca, Giordano, Jordens, Spagno- letto, &c. There is also in another collection some very fine paintings of the old masters, and an exqui- site piece of statuary by the Cheva- lier P. Marchesi of Milan, repre- senting Christ when 12 years of age ! This is the only work of the distinguished sculptor, that has yet arrived in this country.
The township from N. to S. is about 9 miles long, its breadth va- rying from 4 to 10 miles at its great- est area, or about 43,520 acres.— The Indian, name of .the town was Mattabesett. The town is divided into 4 societies or parishes.
There is in the city a prepara- tory school connected with the uni- versity, as well as several flourish- ing private schools.
The public records of this town commenced in 1654. The city was incorporated in 1784.
The burial grounds contain many curious, as well as antique monu- ments of its earliest settlers.
Tbe burial ground at the N. part of the city, and by the river, was laid out in 1650.
Middletown meadows, north of the city, contain about 640 acres. The height of the base of the village is 160 feet above the river, and is from it, five eighths of a mile. Main street is from 40 to 50 feet above the river.
The Connecticut river is here generally closed with ice about the middle of December, and opens about the end of the third week in March.
The manufactures in this city, are 3 establishments on a large scale for the manufacture of arms, for the United States service ) broadcloths and cotton- goods, brit- annia and tin wares, stoves, combs, * tubs, machinery, steam engines, |