Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 272
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We take pleasure in presenting to the public a well executed en-
graving of the Vermont State House, at Montpelier ;-designed by A. B.
Young, Esq., a native of New England, aiid executed under his imme-
diate superintendence.

The engraving represents a southeast front view of the building, which
stands on an elevated site, about 325 feet from State street, on which it
fronts, and fs alike beautiful in design and execution. The yard and
grounds pertaining to it are large and spacious, and, in the manner they
are. laid out, give great importance to the building. Through the whole
design, a chaste architectural character is preserved, which, combined
with the convenient arrangement of the interior and the stability of its
construction, renders this edifice equal in every respect to any in New
England, and probably to any in the United States. The building is in
the form of a cross, showing in front a centre, 72 feet wide, and two
wings, each 39 feet, making the whole length 150 feet. The centre, in-
cluding the portico, is 100 feet deep; the wings are 50 feet deep. ' The
six columns of the portico are 6 feet diameter at their base, and 36 feet
high, supporting an entablature of classic proportions. The dome rises
36 feet above the ridge, making the whole height from the ground 100
feet. The order of architecture used is the Grecian Doric, and is made
to conform to the peculiar arrangement necessary in this building. The
walls, columns, cornices, &c., are of dark Barre granite, wrought in a
superior manner: the.dome and roofs are covered with copper.

In the interior, the lower story contains an Entrance Hall, roopis for
the Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, and numerous Committee
rooms. The second or principal story, contains a Vestibule, and stair-
ways, a Representatives Hall, 57 by 67 feet, with a Lobby, and Galleries
for spectators; a Senate Chamber, 30 by 44 feet, with Lobby and Gallery;
a Governor’s room, 24 by 20 feet, with an ante-room, and a room for his
Secretary adjoining; a Library room, 18 by 36 feet; rooms for the several
officers of the Senate and House of Representatives, and several com-
mittee rooms. The cost of this building, including all expenses, was
about $132,100; of which the inhabitants of Montpelier paid $15,000.

At the first session of the Legislature of Vermont, within this building,
in October, 1838, the following resolution was unanimously adopted :
f* Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont, that
the thanks of this Legislature be presented to
Ammi B. Young, Esq.,
as a testimonial of their approbation of the taste, ability, fidelity and
perseverance which he has manifested in the design and execution of the
new capitol of this state; which.will abide as a lasting monument of the
talents and taste of Mr.
Young as an Architect.”


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