Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 305
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and affords good grazing. Former-
ly large quantities of sugar were
made from the maple: more than

20,000 lbs. have been manufactured
in a single season; but since the
land has been cleared by progres-
sive settlements,and in consequence
of the destruction of the maple
trees by som'e tornadoes, the busi-
ness.’has greatly declined. The
dairy business comprises the prin-
cipal interests of the town. A
stream, called Blackberry river,
runs near the centre of the place,
and a little westward of the con-
gregational church falls overa ledge
of rocks 30 feet in height. This is
an excellent site for mills, of which
there are several near this spot.

There is a handsome village, With
an open square or green in front of
the church, which is uncommonly
neat and beautiful in its appearance.
About half a mile north is another
village, in which* are two woolen
and three scythe factories.

Norrhlgewock, Me.

Chief town of Somerset co. This
town is situated on both sides of
the Kennebec river, 23 miles N.
from Augusta. Incorporated, 178S.
Population, 1837, 1,955. Its sur-
face is diversified with hills of a
moderate elevation, the soil various,1
but generally good and well culti-
vated. Wheat crop, 1837, 10,299
busheb. This town was formerly
the site of the celebrated tribe of
Norridgewock Indians. Their vil-
lage was situated at the foot of Nor-
ridgewock falls, in the N. W. part
of the town, and the border of Mad-
ison. The tribe had a church, the
bell of which was dug up a few
years since, and placed in the cabi-
net at Bowdoin college. The tribe
was destroyed by a party of 1G8
men, sent out from Massachusetts
for that puipose, commanded by
Capt. Moulton, on the afternoon of
August 23,1724. Among the kill-
ed was the noted Jesuit missiona-
ry, Ralle. A monument was erect-
ed the 23d of August, 1833, by
Bishop Fenwick, to his memory.—
It is a plain granite pyramidal shaft,
standing on a square base of the
same material, having the follow-
ing inscription :—

Sebastianus Rasies natione Gal-
luse Societate Jesu missionius, per
aliquot annos Illinois et Huronibus
primum evangelanus, deinde per
34 annos Abenaquis, fide et chari-
tate Christi verus Apostolus, pericu-
lus armorum intenitus se pro suis
oribus mori paratum soepius testifi-
cans, inter arma et cocdes ac Pagi
Nanarantsouak Norridgewock, et
Ecclesiae suae minas, hoc in ipso
loco, cecidit tandem optimus pastor,
die 23 Augusti, A. D. 1724, ipsi et
filius in Christo defunctis Monu-
mentum hoc posuit Benidictus Fen-
wick, Espiscopus Bostonieiisis dedi-
cavitque 23 Augusti, A. D. 1833.
A. M/D. G.

Norridgewock village is situated
on the north side of the river, di-
rectly in the bend, five mites west
of Skowhegan falls. It is one of
the most ple'asant and delightful
villages, especially in the summer,
in the state. The main street is
lined with ornamental trees, some
of them venerable for age and mag-
nitude, extending their long arms
quite across the street, forming a
beautiful avenue from east to west.
On the south side of the river,-con-
nected by a bridge, is a pleasant and
rapidly increasing village.

The public buildings consist of
a church and court house, on the
north side of the river, and on the
south, a female academy, and a free
church at “ Oak Hill,” about 5
miles from the village.

This section of country is remark-
able for its luxuriant growth of the
white pine. A few years since, one
of these trees was cut for a canoe
Its length was 154 feet and measur
ed 4 1 *2 feet in diameter.

North. Hampton, X. H.,

Rockingham co., formerly con-


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