Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 361
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ant and flourishing. During the
year ending April 1, 1837, the val-
ue of $184,583 of boots and shoes
were made in Reading, and $91,360
of chairs and cabinet ware. First
settled, 1640. Population, 1837,

Reading, Ct.

Fairfield co. This town was in-
corporated in 1767, and derived its
name from Col. John Read, one of
its first settlers. The soil of the
town is good, but the surface is
rough and hilly. The business of
the people is chiefly agricultural,
who live scattered about on their
farms. Considerable attention is
paid in Reading to the growing of
wool. It lies 15 miles N. W. from
Bridgeport, 60 S. W. from Hart-
ford, and 9 S. from Danbury. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 1,686. It is watered-
by Saugatuck and Norwalk rivers.

Joel Barlow, LL. D., was
born in this town, 1755. He died
in Poland, 1812.

America has produced few men,
more justly deserving of immortal-
ity than Barlow; and none, it is be-
lieved, who have made their title
to it more sure. He lived in an
eventful period, and acted a con-
spicuous part in both hemispheres ;
and as a poet, a man of science, a
politician, a philosopher and a phi-
lanthropist, his name will long be
revered by the friends of civil liber-
ty, and of science, throughout the
civilized world.

Red Hill, X. H.

- See Mcmltoriborough.

Readsborough, Vt.

Bennington co. A mountainous
township, at the S. E. corner of the
county, watered by Deerfield river,
12 miles S. E. from Bennington,
and 18 W. by S. from Brattlebo-
rough. Much of the land in the
town is too elevated to admit of cul-
tivation. Population, 1830, 662.

Rehoboth, Mass.

Bristol co. This town was first
settled.in 1643, by the Rev. Samu-
el Newman and others from Wey-
mouth. Rehoboth formerly com-
prised the towns of Seekonk and
Pawtucket. This ancient town suf-
fered greatly by Indian depreda-
tions. The surface of the town is
pleasant, and the soil generally
good for tillage. Its manufactures
consist of cotton goods, leather,
shoes, cutlery, ploughs, straw bon-
nets, carpenters’ and joiners’ tools,
wagons, ox yokes, bobbins, cotton
batting, wooden ware, &c.: annual
value, about §60,000. Rehoboth
is watered by Palmer’s river. It
lies 40 miles S. by W. from Boston,
10 S. W. from Taunton, and 7 E.
from Providence, R. I. Popula-
tion,, 1837, 2,202. Its Indian name


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