Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 391
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with the main land by a narrow
neck, over which the tide some-
times flows. From this place to
the fort, on the eastern extremity
of the peninsula, the distance is
about one mile. On the neck, a
palisado was anciently formed from
the river to the cove, to secure Say-
brook point from any sudden incur-
sion of tbe Indians. The soil on
the peninsula is light and sandy,
and the elevation of the highest
part is about twenty feet. Being
nearly destitute of trees and shrub-
bery, it presents to the beholder a
bleak and naked aspect.

The land on the point was laid
out with care, as it was expected to
become tbe.residence of great men,
and the centre of great business
and wealth. It is said that Oliver
Cromwell, with other men then
equally distinguished, actually em-
barked in the Thames, to occupy
this ground. Westward of the fort
a square was laid out, on which it
was intended houses should be erect-
ed for Cromwell, Pymm, Hasselrig,
and Hampden, the most illustrious
Commoners in the English annals,
who were expected from Europe;
while a square still further west
was reserved-for public uses.

tides, is about twelve feet. Say-
brook harbor
19 at the mouth of a
handsome cove, making up. from
Connecticut river, and extending
west almost to Saybrook village. It
is often resorted to by coasters in bad
weather. To this place the river
is open through the winter, and it is
here that vessels are frequently
laid up, and goods deposited, while
the river is frozen over above.
Large quantities of fish are, taken
in this town. The shad fisheries
are'numerous, and a source of con-
siderable wealth. Connecticut riv-
er shad are. considered superior to
any other In this country. White
fish are taken upon the shores of
the Sound, and are very valuable
for the purposes of manure. They
are afforded at a cheap rate; the
lightest soils-, enriched by them,
have produced forty bushels of rye
to the acre, and they have an equal-
ly advantageous effect upon the
growth of corn and potatoes.

Saybrook village is 40 mihes S.
S. E. from Hartford, 34 E. from
New Haven, and 18 W. -from New
London. Population, 1830, 5,018.

Besides' the business in naviga-
tion, the fisheryship building and
quarrying of stone, there are many
manufacturing establishments in
the several villages in this town.
Among the articles manufactured,
are augers, gimlets, hammers, steel
carriage springs, ivory and iron
combs, ink stands, sand boxes, &c.'

The Borough of Essex is about
7 miles from the mouth of Connec-
ticut river, on the west side. It is
a place of considerable commerce,
navigation and ship building, with
a population of about 1,000.

Ship building was commenced in
1740, on the Pochaug, and is still
a leading branch of business in the
place. There are at prejspqt^about
15,vessels owned her$?-^ihe%ally
coasters. It is estimated4haC%here
are 1,200 inhabitants in its limits.

Saybrook point is a peninsula,
circular in its form, and connected

About half way between the
palisado was erected the first build-
ing designed for tbe collegiate
school, since named Yale College.
This institution was founded in 1700,
and remained at Saybrook 17 years.
The building was one storyin height,
and about eighty feet in length.
Some remains of the cellar, “ over
| which the ploughshare has passed,”
are still visible. Fifteen com-
mencements were held at Saybrook.
More than sixty young men were
graduated, most of whom entered
the ministry, and some of them be-
came characters of distinguished
usefulness and excellence. To
educate young men ef piety and
talents for the ministry, was the
leading design of this institution.
It was desired by the founders and


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