Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 406
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great magnitude and value. Man-
ufacturing operations commenced
here many years ago, and have been
gradually increasing ; but.in 1837,
the “Great Works Manufacturing
Company” was incorporated. This
company have a large capital, and
are making arrangements for man-
ufacturing on an extensive scale.
WThen it is considered that this place
is located on navigable waters, and
only about >a dozen miles from the
beautiful harbor of Portsmouth, by
water, these operations promise a
favorable result, both to individual
enterprise and the public.

The village of South Berwickis
pleasantly situated; it is a place of
considerable trade, and in the vicin-
ity of delightful scenery.

Southborouglij Mass*

Worcester co. This town was
taken from Marlborough in 1727.
It has a good soil, and is well culti-
vated by industrious and skillful
farmers. It is watered by a branch
of Sudbury river, and has man-
ufactures of woolen cloth, hoots,
shoes, and straw bonnets: annual
value, about $50*000. The Boston
and Worcester rail road passes
through this pleasant town. It
lies 26 miles W. from Boston, and
15 E. from Worcester. Population,
1837, 1,113.

Southhridge, Mass*

Worcester co. Southbridge was
taken from Sturbridge in 1814.—
Population, 1830,1,444; 1837,1740.
It is 54 miles S. W. from Boston,
and 19 S. S. W. from Worcester.
This town is watered by the Quin-
neboag, a branch of the Thames,
and a good mill stream. There are
one woolen and three cotton mills
in Southbridge, and manufactures
of hoots, shoes and cutlery: the
value of which, for the year ending
April 1, 1837, was $262,212. This
town has an excellent soil and a
pleasant and flourishing village.

' ■■    ———

gouthbury, Ct*

New Haven co. The principal
village in this town is pleasantly
situated on the Pamperaug, a fin©
mill stream, which passes through
the town. This village is 20 miles
N. W. from New Haven, and 40
S. W. from Hartford.

The village of South Britain is
about 4 miles S. W. from the princi-
pal or central village : it is a flour-
ishing place, containing a num-
ber of neat buildings, a carpet and
several hat factories. This village
is surrounded by high hills and
precipices, and has a romantic and
picturesque appearance. The sur-
face of the town is generally un-
even : there is some good meadow
land on Housatonick, Pamperaug,
and Shepaug rivers, and the up-
lands are warm and productive.
Some traces of coal have been dis-

The northern part of the town is
*s White Oak,” from an oak
tree under which the first persons
who explored the town encamped.
Pieces, of this tree are considered
by some as precious relics. South-
bury was formerly attached to
Litchfield county. It was a part
of Woodbury, and was first settled
about the year 1672. It was incor-
porated as a distinct town in 1786.
Population, 1830, 1,557.

South. Hadley, Mass*

Hampshire co. Nature and art
seem to have united to render this
an interesting place. The falls on
the Connecticut are 50 feet ; not
perpendicular, but in so short a
distance as to render the river very
rapid. These falls, Mount Hol-
yoke at the north part of the town,
and Mount Tom on the west side of
the river, with the luxuriant mead-
ows along this beautiful stream,
would form a picture of no ordinary
character. These falls are ren-
dered passable for freight and steam


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