from tbe year 1735 to their remo val to. New Stockbridge, Oneida county, New York. In 1735 there were 90 adult Indians in the tribe, of whom 52 were baptized by the Rev. John Sargent, a faithful mis- sionary, and their first spiritual guide.
Stoddard, N. H.,
Cheshire co. Tljis-town is bound- ed N. by Washington, E. by Wind- sor and Antrim, S. by Nelson and Sullivan, and W. by Gilsum and Maplow. It is 14 miles N. N. E. from Keene, and 42 W. S„W. from Concord.
This town is situated on the height of land between Merrimack and Connecticut rivers. It is mountain- ous and very rocky. The soil is better adapted to grazings than til- lage. The south branch of Ashue- lot river has its source n^ar the cen- tre of the town. The streams in the east section, fall into the Mer- rimack ; those on the west, into the Connecticut. There are fourteen ponds, some of which are of con- siderable magnitude.
This town -was formerly called Limerick. It was incorporated in 1774, when it received the name of Stoddard, from Col. Samson Stod- dard, of Chelmsford, to whom with several others it was granted. The settlement commenced in June,
1769. The first family was that of John Taggard, whose privations and hardships were very great. Their grain was procured at. Peter- borough, at the distance of 20 miles, which was conveyed by him on his back through the pathless wilder- ness. At one time, they.had noth- ing, for six days, on which to sub- sist, but the flesh of the moose. Population, 1837, 1,159.
Stoneliam, Me.
Oxford co. Stoneham was incor- porated in 1834. It lays westerly of Albany, and comprises the grant to Fryeburgh Academy. Popula- — tion, 1837, 290. |
Stoneliam, Mass.
Middlesex co. This is a small town, rocky and uneven. It has some good soil and much wood. In- corporated, 1725. Population, 1837,
During jthe year ending April 1,
1837, there were made in this town 380,100 pairs of shoes; valued at $184,717, employing more than half its inhabitants.
Spot Pondy a beautiful sheet of soft and pure water, lies in this town, 8 miles N. from Boston. It covers an area of 283 acres, and is 143 feet above high water mark, at Boston.
Stonington, Ct.
New .London co. This town is situated at the eastern extremity of Long Island Sound; at the S. E. cprner of the state, and on the line of Rhode Island. It contains an area of about six square miles. The land is rocky and uneven, but fertile and productive. A considerable amount of agricultural products is annually sent from this town to Nantucket and other places. It is watered by the Mystic and Pauca- tuck, considerable streams, on which are cotton, woolen and other factories. Stonington was first set- tled in 1649, and incorporated in 1658. "Population, 1830,3,401.
This place was bombarded by British ships during the revolution- ary war, and again on the 10th of August, 1814, and gallantly de- fended.
The harbor of Stonington sets up from the Sound, opposite Fisher’s island, and is well protected by an expensive Breakwater.
This place is noted for the com- mercial. enterprise of its people.
Large capitals are employed in the whale, seal, and cod fisheries. Five whale ships recently arrived, bring- |