Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 430
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town, and pass to the Connecticut,
by Miller’s and Chickopee rivers.
The surface of the town is uneven,
but not mountainous; the elevated
parts afford good pasturage, and the
valleys, excellent .crops of* grain
and hay. The manufactures con-
sist of woolen goods, bo'ots, shoes,
leather, iron castings, shovels, hoes,
spades, forks, palm leaf hats, chairs,
carriages, and cabinet, tin and wood-
en wares: value,, the year ending
April 1, 1S37, $145,400. The vil-
lage is very pleasantly located, and
presents some beautiful landscapes.

This town lies 60 miles W. N. W.
from Boston, and 26 N. N. W. from
Worcester. Incorporated in. 1762.
Population, 1837, 1,690. *

TewJcshury, Mass.

Middlesex co. The Indians call-
ed this place
Wamesit. It lies on
the south side-of Merrimack river,
19 miles-N. W. by W. from Boston,
and 6 E. S. E. from Lowell. Incor-
porated, 1734. Population, 1337,
907. The surface of the town is
level, and the soil light and sandy;

Thames River, Ct*

This river is formed by the union
of Quinebaug, Shetucket.and Yan-
tic rivers, near Norwich,- and is
navigable from that place to New
London, 14 miles. The banks of
this river are romantic and beauti-
ful, and possess great interest, as
the residence of the once powerful,
noble hearted and brave Mohegans.

Thatcher’s Island, Mass.

See Gloucester.

Thetford, Vt.

Orange co. This town is pleas-
antly situated on the west side of
Connecticut river,opposite to Lyme,
N. H. The Ompomponoosuc and
its branches, give the town an ex-
cellent water power. There are
several ponds in Thetford, one of
which is worthy of notice. It cov-
ers about 9 acres, and is situated on
an elevation, the base of which is
only 4 rods from Connecticut river,
and jjW feet in height. It is very
deep; it has neither inlet or outlet,
and contains large quantities of
perch and other fish. The surface
of the toWp is generally rocky and
uneven; it has but little intervale,
but the soil is strong and productive.
It feeds between 7 and 8,000 sheep.
There are some manufactures in
the town, a rich vein of galena, and
three neat villages. Thetford was
first settled in 1764. It lies 34 miles
S. S. E. from Montpelier, and 18 S.
E. from Chelsea. Population, in
1830, 2,113.

Thomaston, Me.

Lincoln co. This is a very flour-
ishing maritime town, situated be-
tween the western entrance of Pe-
nobscot Bay and St. Georges’ river,
and comprises the celebrated penin-
sula of
OwVs Head. It lies 36
miles S. E. from Augusta, 37 E.
from Wiscasset, and is bounded N.
W. by Warren. Incorporated. 1777,
Population, in 1820, 2,651; 1830,
4,221; 1837, 5,272.

Thomaston is the site of the State
prison, which is located on the
bank of the St. George. The build-
ings occupy a plat of 10 acres, in-
cluding a marble quarry; they are
all of stone, and are surrounded by
a high stone wall. The convicts
are principally employed in cutting
granite Into various forms for build-
ing, and which, when prepared, is
transported by water. The granite
is of an excellent quality, and is
found in large quantities on the

Thomaston is a place of consider-
able maritime commerce and ship
building; but the most important
business of its people, is the quar-
rying and burning of lime, from
inexhaustible ledges of limestone
within its limits. There are annu-
ally made at thi9 place, no less than

350,000 casks of lime, the same in
quality and reputation as that pre-


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